Chapter Ten~Some Answers, To Some Questions:

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The things that Pixels had told me when we were under that tree was bothering me to a point that I needed to say something. I had a headache too. 

Alpha was about to ask me some questions that she wanted me to answer. For she had answered some of my questions. That was the deal after all. 

But the thing about Pixels was giving me a headache, stressing me out. Meow-t. Get it? Haha. Yes nervous. Stressed. Headache. 

The disturbing part is that she might be harmed-well, tortured-based on my theory. 

Right now you're proabably thinking one of four things. 

One, what was my theory. 

Two, what were Alpha's questions. 

Three, you don't know what I'm thinking. 

Four, can we just get on with the story!? 

Or something else. 

But the main things that were on my mind at that very moment was Pixels. Maybe I'd have to fight. Maybe a miracle? Who am I kidding, miracles rarely work in real life. 

Only in stories. They really tend to work in stories. 

And well, this is the story of my life, so I already know what happens. You, on the other paw, have no idea what's gonna happen. Well, perhaps you have a theory or two, but You can't know exactly what's gonna happen. 

And trust me, you don't want to know. 

Okay, I thought. I'll ask about Pixels, as soon as I answer a few of Alpha's questions. 

Did I feel bad for what I had done to her when she was just a little helpless kitten? Well, of course I did. But that's not me anymore. At least I don't think that it is. 

Oh, and! Another thing that I wanted to know was , 'What's Alpha's real name?' 

Was I the only one wondering this? 

Since I already know what happens, I could tell you if I ever figured out Alpha's name. And I do, one day. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, one plot-line at a time. 

What was she so ashamed of? Or perhaps, the better question would be what was she hiding behind that title of Alpha? 

Alpha-or whatever her real name is (I definitely don't know)-looked me directly in the eyes, as if she were trying to figure out what I was thinking. When cats do this-or any species-I squint my eye that has the scar over it. 

Her yellow/hazel eyes glowered at me, "Okay, Sophia, why did you let me live?" 

Okay, well, first off, that's not fair, I 'forgot'. Second off, you might as well be calling me'Wildfire' with that tone. I thought, keeping my cool. 

Why did I let her live? 

The Wildfire that I was would've never allowed that. 


I had made myself forget. 

But did I ever really forget? Well, I'll answer that one for you. 

No, I never forgot about that one kitten I let live, after I scarred it. 

But the real question was, why did I let that kitten live? There absolutely had to be a reason. A reason I won't reveal presently. 

"Uh-Well you see, Alpha, I kind of forgot..." 

"Forgot?" She raised a brow. 

"Well, it's a bit more complex than that, it's more like 'I remember I just tried to forget so much, that I forgot why I did it' if that's a comfort." 

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