"Especially Malfoy."

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After Ron's puking, and I mean a lot of puking, we returned to the castle.

We entered the great hall, expecting the four Hogwarts tables to be filled with students but they were empty.

I glanced at Hermione. "What time is it?"

She looked at her watch. "4:35, they haven't eaten yet. But hey, do you guys want to go to the library? We all have a potions test tommorow."

Personally, I dreaded going to the Library, but we went anyways.

Once we got there I sat next to Harry and got a book out, pretending I was actually engaged in this.

Halfway into my "book" the Hufflepuffs started whispering to each other, pointing to Harry.

"I hear Harry's the heir of Slytherin." One of the Hufflepuff girls said.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised." Said another. "He speaks Parselmouth."

I looked at Harry, he looked very angry.

One of the Hufflepuff girls glanced at Harry. "Watch out guys, me might try and have a snake kill you, like he did to Justin."

"I did not tell the snake to attack Justin!" Harry got up. "And I am certainly not the heir of Slytherin!" Her slammed his books down on the table and left the library.

"Should I-?"

Hermione put her hand on my shoulder. "I would just let him cool off, Y/n."

I nodded and returned to my pretend book.

After 5 minutes, I asked Hermione again if I should go look for him. She only shrugged.

I got up and left the library, keeping an eye out for Harry.

I turned a corner and I couldn't believe my eyes, Harry, was kneeling over Justin Fletchley,  who was lying on the ground lifeless.
And above them, was Headless Nick, floating in the air, frozen.

Harry looked up when he saw me. "Y/n-"

"What the Hell happened?!" I gasped.

"I came to him like this, I don't know what to do..." Harry said uneasily. "I heard that strange voice again..."

"Causing trouble?"

I spun around to see no other then Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker. "Sir-"

"Mock my words Diamond, And Potter, ill have you out this time."

"No! Mr. Filch! You don't understand!" Harry called, but it was too late, Filch ran out of the hallway.

A minute later, he came back With Professor McGonagalle.

Harry looked at her innocently "Professor I swear I didn't-"

"This is beyond my reach, Potter." She said, looking at Justin.

Next thing I knew, McGonagalle rushed us both to Dumbledores office. But, he wasn't in there.

I looked at Harry. "Where is he?" We were in there alone, with all the ancient artifacts and Dumbledores Phoenix.

"No clue," said Harry, walking slowly to Fawkes, Dumbledores Phoenix.

I started looking around too, in his office looking at all the former heads of Hogwarts. All snoozing in their frames, until I heard a gasp from Harry.

I spun around, to see the Phoenix burst into flames. "Harry! What did you do?!" I shrieked.

"I didn't- I just- I never touched it..."

All of a sudden, above the spiral staircase, came Dumbledore.

"Professor, I didn't mean to." Harry said.

"It's about time he did anyways." He said quietly.

"Wh- What?" I asked, confused.

Dumbledore walked over to The Phoenix ashes. I peeked over and saw a tiny baby bird squeaking and shivering.

Dumbledore picked him up as me and Harry stared at him in amazement. "Phoenixes can reborn." Harry said.

"Yes, Fawkes looked as sick as a dog." Said Dumbledore.

All of a sudden someone burst through the door. I spun around to see Hagrid. "Professor! Y/n and Harry did'n do nothi'n! They would'n hurt a fly!" He blurted.

Dumbledore raised his hand to silence Hagrid. "I do not believe Harry and Y/n petrified Justin."

"I understand but," Hagrid paused. "Oh... right... ok then." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'll just wait outside then."

"You don't think it was us sir?" Harry looked up at Dumbledore.

"No Harry, but I must ask you... Is there something you wish to tell me?" Dumbledore said faintly.

Harry glanced at me. I nodded.

"No Sir."

In my head, I was screaming. Harry should have told Dumbledore he was Hearing weird voices.

Dumbledore studied him for a while and then dismissed us both.

Once we got into the empty hallway, I turned to Harry. "Why didn't you tell Dumbledore!"

"He'll think that I'm making things up, things are already bad enough with the other second years." He said. "Especially Malfoy."

"True," I smirked. "But I still think you should have told him."

"Whatever, ill see you in potions tommorow." Harry wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

We both pulled away and went to our common rooms.


Sorry for the long update, I was on vacation, I'll write again soon! xx

Word count: 810

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