"No, why do you care?"

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"No Ron! You're saying it wrong." Hermione shrieked. "It's wingardium leviOsa, not leviOsA." She corrected.

Me & Harry let out a small laugh, watching Ron struggle, and Hermione, who always helped him.

At the end of class, Ron, me & Harry all walked out.

"It's no wonder no one can stand her," Ron ranted. "she's a nightmare, honestly."

"Ron!" I cried. I grabbed one of my books and whacked him over the head.

"Ow!" Ron yelped.

All of a sudden, someone bumped into Harry and ran out of the classroom. I caught a glimpse of the face, Hermione, and she was in tears.

"I think she heard you." Harry cooed.

"Hermione!" I called after her.

"So?" Ron said flatly. "She must've noticed she has no friends."

I hit Ron upside the head again. "Ron, she's our friend, you should go apologize to her,"

"I don't even know where she went." Ron spoke. "And she's not my friend." Ron stormed down the hall, leaving me & harry.

"Did you see where she went?" I asked, breathlessly.

Harry shook his head.

"Great." I mumbled.

"Let's just get to class, okay?" Harry said, grabbing my hand.

I looked up at him, surprised that he took my hand. "Harry, do you not have a heart?"

Harry glared at me, puzzled. "What?"

I let go of his hand.

"Hermione just ran off crying, you're not going to come talk to her?"

"Y/n, if were late to potions..." Harry urged, ignoring the question.

"I don't care, I'm going to find Hermione." I walked quickly away from Harry, I was mad at him for not caring about Hermione.

"Whats the rush Y/n?" Draco jeered.

"Nothing." I said, ignoring him.

"I saw your mud blood friend run off crying, probably cause she found out your dating Harry." Draco mocked.

I spun around. "I'm not dating Harry! Why would you say that?"

"I saw him kiss your hand last night Y/n, I don't live under a rock."

"That meant nothing Draco." I snapped.

Did it?

"Sure." Draco taunted.

"I don't have time for this." I begged. "You say you saw Hermione? Where did she go?"

Draco pointed to the girls bathroom.

I ran over towards the girls bathroom & started to open the door, when i heard Draco's voice.

"So do you like Harry, Y/n?" He scolded.

"No Draco, Why do you care?" I groaned.

"No reason." He cooed.

I rolled my eyes and opened the girls bathroom door.

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