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Sebastian's P.O.V
My life has been good. Ever since we told people, everything has been a little easier. We all graduated and did what we wanted. Rachel, Kurt, and I even got into NYADA. After college we split. Well, except Rachel, Finn, Hunter, and I. We are actually neighbors. Finn and Rachel got married and started there own family. They have a little boy and girl named Olivia and Ryan. Hunter and I even adopted a boy and a girl. Their names are Grant and Lea. I know that a little weird but I don't care. Hunter and I are also married and happy. Rach and I are still singing but family comes first. I never thought life could be this good. I guess life can prove your wrong in many ways.

A/N: I'm sorry to say but Secret Popstar has come to an end. I loved writing this book and I hope you enjoyed it. I have a new project in the works and the first chapter should be coming out soon. Love you guys.

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