Finn Finds Out

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Sebastian's P.O.V
I think Finn has been acting weird because whenever I'm talking to Rachel or Hunter, when I turn my back he's there. I have been pushing it off because I think its because Rachel hangs out with me even though she's my friend and I'm gay.

I went into the hall to get into my locker because I have to go to an early photo shoot to go to. As I was almost there I started singing my new song i have been righting. (I can't tell you it would ruin the surprise) As i was humming I was pushed against the lockers. I turned to see it was Finn. I was surprised to say the least.

"What do you want Finn" I asked. He glared at me for a second before answering.

"I want you to tell me the truth because if you want me to trust you I need to know the truth" He said back. I got scared. What truth did he mean?

"Okay what do you want to know" I asked quickly because I was getting really scared.

"Are you Grant Gustin" Finn asked with demand in his voice. I froze in my spot. How did he find out? I know Rachel didn't tell him.

"What makes you think that I'm Grant Gustin" I laugh nervously.

"Well first you look like him just without highlights, second you both have the same singing voice, and third whenever there's a concert mentioned, you say you have other plans or family emergencies" Finn said with a smirk. I sighed in defeat. I knew i had to tell him because he already figured it out for himself.

"Alright you guessed, I'm Grant Gustin. Do you trust me now" I asked looking up at him. He looked shocked that I actually admitted to it. Then he smiled.

"Yes I do because you decided to trust me with you secret and I promise i won't tell anyone" He said. I smiled.

"Thank you for no telling anyone because I want to keep it a secret as long as possible" I said. He said bye and walked back to class.

What did I get myself into I thought.

A/N : I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in like a month. My family and I have been packing to move and we should be moving like 5 days before Christmas. Please Vote and Comment if you have any kind of book you want me to write or what you think of my book so far. Thank you bye.

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