The Date

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Sebastian's P.O.V
I was getting ready for the date because I have to be prepared for anything. I have on a blue and white flannel over a white shirt, black skinny jeans, and my black converses. He said where casual so that's what I'm doing.

As I was getting in my shoes, I heard a knock at the door. I got up and went to open it.

"Hey Hunter" I said nervously because I was very very nervous.

"Hey Sebastian are you ready to go" He asked me with his amazing voice.

"Yeah let me just grab my phone and wallet" I said as I grabbed my phone and wallet.

"Okay so where are you taking me" I asked as I closed and locked my door.

"I'm taking you to Lima bean and then a stroll through the park" he said as we got in his car.

~Time Skip past Lima Bean~

As we got to the park I got really nervous. He keep side glancing me but I didn't say anything. We were almost done with the walk when he grabbed me by May waist, dipped me, then kissed me. I kissed back almost right after it started. We split apart after 10 seconds.

"Wow" I said still dazed.

"You liked it" Hunter said. Yea I didn't very much. I nodded yes because I couldn't speak. After that he took me home and kissed me goodnight. Right is as I got into bed and went to sleep dreaming about the kiss.

My last thought was best night ever.

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