Finn gets Suspicious

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(This chapter will be in Finns POV the entire time)
Finn's P.O.V
After Hunter's and Sebastian's performance, I noticed something. Sebastian sounds a lot like Grant Gustin. I only just realized it because I was really paying attention.

"Hey Rachel I have a question" I ask my lovely girlfriend. She looked at me with curious eyes.

"What is it Finn" she asked while turning around face me.

"Well didn't Sebastian sound a lot like Grant Gustin" I asked her. She looked panicked for a second. Wonder what that was about.

"Why would you assume that Finn that's absurd" she says laughing nervously. She's hiding something from me.

"Well he just sounds like him I think it's weird" I say to her. She thought for a minute before answering.

"Well there are some people in the world who can sing exactly the same" Rachel replied the turned around to continue talking to Tina and Britney.

I don't know why but I think somethings going on. I mean he sound like Grant Gustin, kind of looks like him, and bailed out on the concert when we said it was Grant Gustin. Is it possible that Sebastian is Grant Gustin? I don't know but something is definitely not right.

A/N : Sorry I haven't posted lately. I have had tests for a week then I got sick. I hope y'all like the chapter and I will try to post again next week. Love you bye.

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