Chapter 2

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"So, you accept charity now?" Anubis sat next to Nico, the graveyard having been closed as soon as the sun set.

"I was hungry." Nico rubbed the sleep from his eyes before looking to Anubis. "Long time no see."

"What do you need?" Anubis asked. "I can read you by now, Nico. I know you need something."

Nico picked at the hole in his jeans. "Dad gave me another job."

"A job from Hades?" Anubis wrinkled his nose. "That can never be good."

"He said it's really dangerous." Nico agreed. "He said...he said he wants me to host you again. To have enough power to make it through alive."

Anubis looked up at the sky, the stars shining brightly. "Hm."

"That's all you have to say?" Nico scowled. "Come on, Anubis."

"Stubborn as always." Anubis looked to him. "Why not? I agree."

Nico felt himself relax. "That quickly?"

Anubis eyed a stray rabbit that moved along the gravestones. "I don't see the harm in it. Besides, I think you missed me."

Nico elbowed him lightly. "Did not."

"Whatever you say." Anubis looked to him. "You sure you want to? This aren't going to get out of it so easily."

"You call dying easy?" Nico crossed his arms. "You immortals, I swear."

Anubis cast him a small smile. "You're sure about this, Nico?"

"I'm sure." Nico decided. "I'm sure. I want to learn more Egyptian stuff, anyways. Dad said it was a big thing for my mom. I...I want to learn more of it."

Anubis nodded. "We'll work on it."

Nico smiled, his eyes lighting up at the possibility of growing closer to his mother.


Nico looked up at his father, having been kneeling in front of the throne again. "The prep is complete, sir. May I know the job now?"

"The job..." Hades looked down at him. "First, I need to speak with the jackal. Let him take control."

Nico scowled. "Is that really necessary-"

"Let me speak to him, Nico," Hades commanded. "It won't be long."

Anubis stirred inside his mind, jumped around the edges. It's okay, Nico. Let me speak.

Nico closed his eyes, Anubis reopened them. "Hades, long time no see."

"You're picking up on Nico's slang," Hades commented. "What a shame, jackal."

"What do you need, Greek?" Anubis clenched his fists. Your body is so unintimidating, Nico.

Not my fault I'm mortal. Nico replied. Get used to it.

Hades pointed to Anubis. "You hurt my son, you'll have a war on your hands. That isn't an empty threat."

Anubis tilted his head. "I wouldn't hurt your son."

"I'm watching you." Hades reminded him. "Just keep that in mind. You can let Nico talk, now."

Your dad seems...different. Anubis commented, stepping down from control of Nico's body. He cares.

He needs me for jobs. He doesn't want me dead. Nico explained. He doesn't actually care. "What's the job, father?"

"Remember the task you did for Persephone?" Hades asked. "The man. He said he was working under a god."

Nico nodded. "Yes, sir. He didn't say which god, however."

"I have reason to believe that whoever is behind this isn't a god, not yet." Hades rested his head on his hand, looking bored. "Your job is to hunt him down."

"Oh..." Nico nodded. "Okay, sir. Is there a lead?"

"I would start with the man you killed." Hades gestured lazily. "Out in the Fields of Punishment."

"Right..." Nico nodded. He stood up, stretching his legs. This seems like the start of a never-ending rat race.

I wouldn't be surprised. Anubis agreed. But your father would not have had you host me for nothing. I think there is something else going on here.

"You know, I have to get used to sounding crazy all over again." Nico rolled his eyes as he trudged to the Fields of Punishment. "I'm not used to having an annoying voice in my head."

Says the one talking out loud. Anubis' attention jumped away from their conversation quickly. Nico-

"Nico!" Percy greeted, the Iris message popping up in front of Nico. "They actually do get through to the Underworld."

Nico looked up at the son of Poseidon with an annoyed expression. "What?"

Before Percy could speak Will Solace shoved his way into view, his blue eyes flashing. "We had a deal. After your job, you come here. I get the darkness out of you. Why are you still in the Underworld?"

Nico held his hands up in surrender. "New job. I can tell you when I'm not halfway to the Feilds of Punishment."

You two have not changed. Anubis commented.

Will crossed his arms. "New job?"

"Long job..." Nico stared at his feet. "Look, I'll be there in like an hour. Can what Percy was calling for wait?"

Will nodded. "I'm timing you, di Angelo."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Goodbye, Solace." He cut through the connection, leaving him alone in the darkness. The darkness that had once almost swallowed him whole...

You ready? Anubis asked. His voice broke Nico free from that fear, rooted him in place.

Yeah, I'm ready. He started walking again. Let's do this.

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