Chapter 3

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When they found the man that had taken Lillian, Nico could barely watch the punishment he endured. A gruesome sight, a sight not needed to be explained except that a certain body part would be cut off, regrow, be cut off again. All the pain for the old rapist.

"You look like you're having fun," Nico smirked, feeling a rush of adrenaline from the sheer fact that justice would always be served. "Does it hurt?"

Nico, we're trying to get information here, Anubis reprimanded. Don't be too mean.

The man looked over at Nico in between cuts, his eyes broken from pain and torment. For the first time, Nico smiled at the sight. "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Nico crossed his arms. "Who were you serving? Who told you to go against Persephone?"

Despite the pain, the man found it in himself to smirk. "Like I'd tell you-"

"Let me remind you where you are." Nico cut in. "Look around you. You're in the-" Another round of screaming, causing him to wait a minute before continuing. "You're in the Fields of Punishment. Stop crying like a baby and talk to me. I'm the son of Hades. What I say goes."

Nico... Anubis scolded. You need his help, remember? He's already being tortured. Scaring him isn't going to work.

Then do you have any ideas, big shot? Nico asked.

Actually, I do. Anubis replied. Let me talk to him and I'll show you.

Fine, whatever. Nico let Anubis take control, let his voice come out instead of Nico's.

"Sir, I have a proposition for you." Anubis knelt next to the man. "You tell me who you were working for, and I'll bring a son of Apollo here. He can heal...heal you, enough that it won't hurt as bad anymore."

Seriously? That was your plan? Nico asked. Who are you planning on bringing to the Underworld?

Your boyfriend. "So, is it a deal?"

The man gasped as more pain shot through him but managed to nod. "Yes, yes, please!"

"Swear on the River Styx." Anubis reminded him. "Do you swear to tell us who you were working for and any other helpful information if we bring someone here to help you?"

He nodded. "Yes, yes, I swear. On the River Styx."

"Perfect." Anubis stepped back from control. That's how you do it, Nico.

Nico rolled his eyes. "Whatever."


Nico stepped out of the shadows, scaring a few campers but being known to most of them. It was lunchtime, the tables mostly full as the smell of food wafted into the air. Nico went to the Apollo table and pulled Will to his feet, causing a couple of them to glare in his direction. "I need to talk to you."

"At least you got back in an hour." Will grabbed his plate before following Nico to the Hades table, where Percy and Annabeth were already waiting. "I'm surprised you followed my orders."

Nico scowled. "I mistook the task. I couldn't complete it yet." He sat next to Will, across from the couple. "Percy, what did you want earlier?"

So blunt. Anubis commented.

Percy looked up from his food long enough to look Nico over. "You seem different."

"Spit it out, Jackson."

"I was going to ask you a favor." Percy started. "A favor that Annabeth thinks is-"

"Stupid? Unreasonable?" Annabeth cut in. "Yeah, I do. If anything, he'll get in trouble for doing in."

"Nico's already in trouble." Will crossed his arms. "I felt the darkness in his soul when he touched me."

Nico rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Solace...Wait..." Nico paled. "You can feel souls...shit."

Will gave him a small nod. "You have a lot of explaining to do. A lot."

"Why? What's wrong?" Annabeth asked. "You said you had a job...?"

"It's something dad is having me do." Nico waved her away. "Nothing important. Will is just upset about"

Health? Anubis asked. That's all I am, now?

"All you'll ever be," Nico muttered.

Percy dropped his slice of pizza. "You weren't talking to us."


"It's Anubis!" Percy stood up quickly before realizing he had gotten most people's attention. He looked around before sitting back down, his voice lower. "'s...Anubis..."

"Fine, fine, you caught me." Nico held his hands up in fake surrender. "My secret is out, blah blah. Will already sensed it."

"Sensed that a god is inhabiting my boyfriend's body?" Will asked. "Yeah, I did. Why is he, Nico?"

Nico laid his head on the table. "My father asked me to...but nobody can know. Please don't tell anyone else."

"You father?" Annabeth's eyes flashed. "Nico-"

"I know, that's why I said not to tell anyone." Nico cut in. "If the other gods found would be bad. But I wanted to learn more about my Egyptian roots and Anubis can help me with this task dad has me doing."

"If he thinks you need Anubis' help, then it's dangerous." Will turned to face Nico. "I'm going with you."

Nico lifted his head to look into Will's eyes. "What?"

"I'm going with you." Will repeated. "I'm not letting you go alone. I need to make sure you don't die on me. Not again."

"Will..." Nico stared at him for a moment before realizing he wouldn't be able to change his mind. "Okay. Welcome to the team. careful, please."

Will got up. "I'll go pack some supplies. No doubt you're going to need ambrosia and nectar."

Nico grinned. "What would I do without you?"

"You wouldn't have a healer, so you'd probably die." Will admitted. "You have before."

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