Chapter 6

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AN: Most about the town and the castle is kept historic and in reality but there are very few pictures of what the castle looks like inside, so that part is made up. Everything else is real.


"Excuse me, ma'am?" Nico ran to the waitress. "Have you see my friend, the blond? He's gone."

Those stunning green eyes sparkled with concern. "No, I haven't. Do you want me to call the police?"

"The police? What the hell would they do?" Nico ran a hand through his hair. Anubis, I need your help. Something's wrong. He wouldn't have just run off.

I know. Anubis spoke with uncertainty. Look outside. He's obviously not in here any longer.

Right. Nico threw some money at the waitress before running out of the building. The small town had some tourists, had few citizens. All took opportunity of the nice summer day. No faces looked familiar, the old fashion buildings held secrets Nico could never figure out. The small town looked like a ghost town, looked like something you'd see in a cowboy film (which he had seen a lot of in the Lotus Casino, since it had been his guilty pleasure).

In the canal, a boat labeled 'Ben Franklin III' floated in the murky waters. Tourists took photos, walked to the little shops that dotted around. 'Mine for gems today!', 'Cabins for rent', 'Antiques worth the walk'. Nothing suspicious, nothing that told where Will Solace had gone.

Finally, Nico moved to one of the shops and quickly spotted a worker. With a fake smile and an innocent attitude, he tapped the woman on the shoulder. "Sorry to bother you, but I had a question about this place."

The young woman turned to look at him, her blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. "Yeah, course, what is it?"

Nico took a pen from his pocket and put the tip to his palm as if he was going to take notes. "I'm a writer and I was thinking about doing a story set here. Any idea where the big bad guy would hide?"

The woman couldn't help but chuckle. "The big bad guy, huh?" She thought for a moment before wiping down the counter. "Probably the castle on the hill, to be honest. But they don't do tours, unfortunately."

Nico smiled internally. Jackpot. " you know why not? Maybe I can guilt them into letting me inside."

"I think it's privately owned, now." she glanced out the window. "It was built as a reconstruction, I think. That's all anyone knows about it."

"Would you mind giving me directions to it?" Nico asked. "If it's not too bothersome for you."

Charmer. Anubis teased. Why don't you have these manners anywhere else?

These manners are fake, as you know. Nico wrote the directions down on his hand as she spoke them. I hate being nice to people. But I need to get this.

It does seem like a remote location. Anubis admitted. If someone took Will, they'd probably be there. It isn't too far.

Exactly. Nico thanked the woman before leaving. Whoever did this is going to pay.


What the woman called a castle looked more like a church to Nico. Sitting on top of a hill that was so perfect it looked fake, it stood out against the sky forbiddingly. As Nico climbed the hill to reach it, a storm started to brew in the distance.

I don't like this. Nico admitted.

Watch your back. Anubis agreed.

Nico got to the door, felt his skin prickle from unseen eyes. Anubis...


That man told us how to contact this Ares kid...but he never said where he lived. Do you

It's possible. Anubis kept his voice steady. So keep your guard up, stay calm.

Right, stay calm. Stay rational. Nico tried the door, frowning when he saw that it was locked. Is there something Egyptian you can do for this?

I'll have to take control for a minute. Once Nico nodded his approval, Anubis took control long enough to summon a staff out of the Duat. Hieroglyphs formed in the air, the door blasted inwards. There.

Thanks. Nico stepped into the building with a thin smile on his face. We're getting good at switching fast.

A nice talent to have. Anubis complimented. You should pat us on the back.

Haha. Nico got his sword out, looked around him at the parlor. I think I can sense Will's soul. I just can't see where.

Concentrate. Anubis instructed. Concentrate. You can do it. You've pinpointed a soul before.

"Right," Nico whispered. He then closed his eyes, let his powers leak into the house. Soon enough, he could feel two souls in the basement. Will Solace, in the basement...

Nico snapped his eyes open, felt his green veins ripple with energy. You're really pumping me up, huh?

Just a precaution. Anubis replied. You need all the energy you can get for a fight. I don't want you to die again. This time you won't be coming back.

I know. Nico looked down at his feet. Should I shadow travel down there?

Seems like your best option. Anubis responded. Stay in the shadows, stay out of sight. Scout the situation first.

Roger that. Nico closed his eyes, felt the shadows billowing around him. Hey, Anubis?


I feel like an anime character. Nico smirked. Like one of those cops who are damn good at their job.

I don't know what anime is, Nico. Anubis replied lightly.

I should be a cop that's damn good at his job. Nico felt himself melt into the shadows. Camp Half Blood's own private investigator. How about that?

You need to live before you become that. Anubis deadpanned. So focus.

Right. The shadows melted him into the basement. Mood killer.

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