Chapter 4

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Will stayed close to Nico as they walked through the Underworld, his hands staying on the straps of his bookbag. He brought whatever medical supplies he could, knowing that a task of Nico's wouldn't end without bloodshed. It just wasn't who Nico was.

"How much farther?" Will asked, trying not to sound like a child. "I hate it down here."

"Better get used to it, one day you'll be down here forever." Nico deadpanned. "But yeah, I know you're sun-deprived."

"I'm air deprived." Will corrected. "It's so...stuffy down here."

"Wait until we get to the Fields of Punishment." Nico had his hands deep in his pockets, his head tilted to the side as he listened to another conversation in his head. "Some people are getting burned down there."

"Great." Will's footfalls became heavier. "That'll smell fantastic."

Nico glanced over at him. "Relax. We'll be out of here soon enough."

"We better." Will looked up above him, looked to where he usually had to look for a sun. "I miss the sun..."

"That's what I said to begin with." Nico sighed.


Will leaned in front of the man, his face pale as he saw the state he was in. "Ew...disgusting."

"Just help him, Will." Nico crossed his arms. "You don't have to look." Anubis had a small presence in his mind, there but not by a lot. For the time being, he was free from the annoying comments.

"I know, I know." Will moved his hand over the man but didn't touch him. In a few minutes, he pulled away, his skin glowing slightly. "There."

"Good, now move over." Nico took his place in front of the man, who looked relieved for the time being. "Now, tell me who you were working for."

He glared at Nico, glared with overwhelming venom. "I'm so glad I shot you."

"Tell me. A deal is a deal, especially on the Styx." Nico's voice was full of boredom.

The man spat at him. "Fine, fine. You asshole. You want to know? Zack. His name is Zack, I don't know his last name. He's a son of Ares. Is looking to become immortal."

Nico frowned. Anubis, pay attention. You getting this?

Yes, I heard. Anubis was once again up to his full potential presence in Nico. This changes things. You kill him, his father will be angry.

"How is he looking to become immortal?" Nico asked. "And why is he bothering Persephone of all people?"

The man groaned. "Can't you leave me alone? I answered what you asked."

"I included 'all useful information' in that oath on the Styx." Nico reminded him. "Now, answer my questions."

"You bastard." he let out a groan of pain. "You bastard! You have no idea how this feels! You should be the one laying here, getting your body chopped up! I'm sure you've killed, too! I'm sure you've killed more people than me! Where's that justice you were preaching?"

"Justice?" Nico's eyes were cold, making Will take a step back. "I never said I escaped justice. I'm not dead yet, but I'm sure I'll end up right beside you. Yes, I have killed people."


It's true. "Bryce Lawrence. I've killed him." Nico looked down, clenched his fists. Don't say a word, Anubis. "So yes, I'll have justice, too. So cut the shit about justice and answer my question."

"I can't wait until you're down here." his eyes bore into Nico's. "We aren't that different, you and me. Killers, killers because we followed orders. I killed because I followed Zack's orders. You kill because you follow your father's orders. There's no difference."

Nico's words died in his throat. What could he say, that he didn't kill innocents? If he did, it would have been a lie. He had killed Bryce Lawrence. In his dark days, he had killed more.

The Underworld had no mercy, only justice. Did that mean he was going to end up next to this old fool forever?

Nico. Anubis had pity in his tone. He thinks he beat you. He thinks he broke you. Respond to him.

Nico kept his mouth shut, imaged the punishment that would be set up for him. No mercy, only justice. Only justice...

"You're an idiot." Will Solace was suddenly next to him, his eyes on the man. "Nico...Nico's a good guy. He can make everything right. I know he can."

"Justice. Even if a killer says sorry, that doesn't mean he's forgiven." the man scowled. "Maybe that would work in another religion, but not this one. Even if he truly is sorry it won't change anything."

"Shut up," Anubis spoke through Nico, tired of this man and tired of Nico's silence. "Answer the questions. No. More. Stalling."



"He's after Persephone!" he finally yelled. "He thinks that if he takes something that's precious to her, she'll resort to anything to get it back. Anything. And that includes gifting him with immortality."

Anubis scowled. "Where can I find this Zack?"

"I don't-"

"You know, don't even try lying." Anubis watched him with cold eyes, cold eyes that held Nico's soul. "You know. You've had to contact him before. Tell me before I make your punishment ten times worse."

"You wouldn't-"

"Do you want to test me?!" Anubis took a step forward. Will didn't stop him, the same anger filling his warm chest. What the man said broke Nico. It broke Nico, that day. Broke a piece of him that would never be fixed.

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