Chapter 10

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Looking back on that day, Will could barely put the pieces together. Could barely understand how everything went so wrong. Could barely understand how he had gotten so hurt that day.

As Nico shadow traveled them out of the shadows, everything went to hell. Nico was met with a sword at his throat, Will was thrown to the floor at their feet. Silence, wide eyes, deep breaths. As soon as Nico had realized where he was, he had shadow traveled to the far side of the basement, unknowingly leaving Will at the man's feet.

The man...he was huge, at least seven feet. Large muscles, a dagger in his hand. He turned to look down at Will, his eyes cold. "Well well, the son of Apollo. I was expecting you two."

Will looked up at him, found the dagger at his own throat. "I...I..."

"Hey, Zack!" Nico took a step towards them. "What did you do to my shadow travel? You slowed it down?"

"Did I?" he shrugged. "Maybe you're just weak."

"Zack..." Will whispered. "You're him. You're the son of Zack..."

"Don't mention that ass of a god." Zack pressed the tip of the dagger against Will's skin. "He doesn't deserve to be mentioned here."

"You're another god hating demigod, aren't you?" Nico rolled his eyes. "Idiots. You really think you will ever overthrow them? You'll become just like them, given enough time."

"You think you know so much, son of Hades." Zack grabbed Will and hauled him to his feet, keeping the dagger to his throat. "Surrender now or your boyfriend dies."

Nico's eyes narrowed. From his silence, Will could tell that he was talking to Anubis, could tell his mind was elsewhere. Each swallow, each breath of air, he felt that knife dig deeper into his skin. As the first layer of skin was gone, the blood started to run down his neck.

"Neeks..." Will whimpered. "Nico..."

"Let him go," Nico ordered. "What could you possibly get from killing him?"

"Your cooperation."

"My cooperation?" Nico's eyes were at Will's throat. "For what?"

Zack didn't move the dagger away but didn't press it in any further. "To take down the gods."

Nico clenched his fists. "You're insane."

"Insane? I'm the only sane one!" Zack's grip on the dagger tightened. "You all do whatever the gods ask without thinking of the consequences. How many people have you killed, Nico di Angelo?"

"That's not important, Z-"

"How many?"

Nico grit his teeth. "At least five."

"At least five," Zack repeated. "You've murdered at least five people. How do you look at yourself in the mirror? The gods have made you into a murderer."

"You're the one kidnapping children! How do you justify that?" Nico argued. "I can't believe I'm even having this conversation!"

Zack scowled. "Fine. I'll kill the blond. Don't say I didn't warn you."

As they talked, Will stared at Nico with confusion. Just use Anubis, use Anubis, use his energy and power... Why wasn't Nico using Anubis?

Will was aware of a pain in his throat, was aware that his neck felt like it was ripped apart. He could feel himself hit the floor, could feel his vision blackout. When he moved a hand to his neck to feel the damage, his heart sunk. A large chunk was missing from the left side, spilling blood and insides all over his hand.

He couldn't see, couldn't speak. All he could do was smell blood and hear the clash of blades. The clash of blades...

Nico, you messed up, Will thought. You messed up...look what's become of me...

He lost consciousness. Blood, the smell of blood. So much blood.


Sweat dripped from Nico's forehead. Or, his body, at least. Anubis had taken control as soon as Will had gotten hurt. Nico was too panicky, too worried about the blond. There was no way he'd ever be able to fight like that.

A clash of blades, the smell of blood in the air. As he fought, he kept sneaking glances at Will. The son of Apollo was limp on the ground, now the one needing a medic instead of being one. Zack had gone to slice his throat but was tackled by Nico, causing him to have taken a large chunk out of the side of Will's neck. Blood stained the blond hair, stained the ground, filled their nostrils. So much blood.

Anubis! Nico sobbed, his presence full of agony. Let me help him! Let me get him out of here!

We need to take Zack down first! Anubis ducked to avoid being decapitated and kicked Zack back into the wall. This is why your father knew you would need me. He knew that you wouldn't be able to think straight if Will got hurt.

Before he could move in for the kill, Zack was back on his feet and attacking again. He fought like a son of Ares, maybe as good as Ares himself. He didn't stumble, didn't tire. As he kept advancing, Anubis felt his own body failing him.

Nico, your body is so weak! Anubis scolded. Help me out, here!

We need to save Will. Nico chanted. You need to save him, Anubis. Please. I'll do anything.

Nico, I'm trying to fight. Anubis shadow traveled back a few feet when he couldn't move fast enough. My energy...our's disappearing.

"Tired, son of Hades?" Zack smirked at Anubis. "You may rethink your decision."

"I'm not joining you," Anubis growled. "Let me help my friend. Get out of here."

"Your friend?" Zack glanced at Will. "Oh, he's bleeding out. That's a shame."

Anubis bared his teeth, no doubt used to the jackal form he could take whenever he wanted in his godly form. "You're going to pay for this, son of Ares."

"Am I?" he taunted. "You've got a god in you and you're still out of energy! I doubt you can even shadow travel again. What's happened to you, son of Hades? You're as weak as the day you died. Why?"

Anubis could feel his hands shaking, could feel his legs about to give out. "What have you done to me? Where is my energy?"

"Without your god, you'd be dead by now." Zack continued, kneeling beside Will. He put the tip of the dagger to Will's chest, smirked up at Anubis. "Nico di Angelo, I'll ask again. What's happened to you?"

Anubis felt his sword shaking. "I. Don't. Know. What. You're. Talking. About."

"You don't?" Zack rested his chin on his hand. "Interesting... Let's think. Where did your powers come from?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your powers. They started showing up when your sister died." Zack frowned. "You're the god, aren't you? Fine. Nico's powers showed up when his sister died. That anger and sadness made him grow stronger."

"What does this have to do with anything-"

"He doesn't have anger or sadness anymore." Alex cut in. "They aren't fueling him anymore. Without that fuel, he's as weak as any other demigod. Besides being a son of the Big Three, there was one reason he was one of the most powerful demigods. It was because he had such a horrible life."

Did you hear that? Anubis asked.


Make him pay for hurting Will. Anubis stepped back from control. He thinks he broke you. Prove him wrong. Use that anger to get back at him.

Nico clenched his fist around his sword, felt his eyes light up. "You're going to the Fields, Zack. Goodbye."

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