The Mission

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Summer, 1625

"So, M. Treville didn't say why we've been summoned?" Porthos asked, as he and his friends walked into the throne room. He grinned at a couple of ladies in waiting that they went past.

"No, he didn't," Athos answered, shortly. "His note just said it was urgent."

Only a few months had passed since their triumph over the Duke of Buckingham. D'Artagnan had been admitted into one of the junior guards on a two year probation. For Athos, Pothos, and Aramis, though, there had been no change in fortune, and no reinstatement back into the Musketeer ranks.

Now, the three had been summoned to the palace.

"His Majesty, King Louis, and Her Majesty, Queen Anne!"

The three men knelt as the king and queen entered the room. "Ah, good, you're here," Louis said on seeing them. "Stand up. I have a special assignment for you three."

Getting to their feet, the three men exchanged quick looks. "A special mission, Your Majesty?" Athos said carefully. "Forgive me, but shouldn't you be entrusting this mission to one of your musketeers?"

"But you are my musketeers! The best of my musketeers!" Louis said in astonishment. He paused and started to frown. "Oh, good lord! Did I not give orders for you to return to your ranks? I distinctly remember giving that order. Who did I tell to take care of it?"

"I believe you instructed the cardinal to handle the matter, Your Majesty," Queen Anne volunteered calmly.

Louis glanced at her and nodded. "Yes, of course," he exclaimed. "Well, no matter. I will remind him of this. Once you three have returned, everything will be taken care of."

"Where does Your Majesty wish us to go?" Aramis asked.

"It is the express wish of your queen, actually," Louis said, holding out his hand to his queen.

Stepping forward, the queen graced the trio with a serene smile. "A ship from Spain, the Santa Anna, will be arriving in Calais within four days," she informed them. "You will meet the Marquesa de Molin aboard that ship and escort her party here to Paris."

"Four days?" Porthos repeated skeptically. "That's not much time, your Majesty."

For a moment, the queen looked perturbed. "Unfortunately, the letter containing this information was delayed," she answered, her tone slightly aggrieved. She smiled at the trio again a moment later. "However, I have every confidence you will reach Calais in time."

Athos bowed. "Thank you, Your Majesty," he said. "We will do our best."

Queen Anne nodded. "I know you will," she responded. "I would not trust my friend in anyone else's hands."

"Well, off you go then," Louis said cheerfully. "I've instructed Richelieu to have a bag a gold ready for each of you, to cover your expenses for the journey."

He turned away with Anne on his arm. The trio bowed and took their leave. One of the Cardinal's men handed them each a small purse as they went out. "I begin to think we will never find a great cause," Aramis lamented.

"This is something to do," Athos responded.

Porthos tossed his purse, testing the weight. "And, when we are back in Paris, we will be back in the Musketeer Corps," he said jovially. "I think that is something to drink to."

"No time," Athos answered seriously. "Not only must we get to Calais in four days in this heat, we will have to make the necessary arrangements to get the marquesa and her party back to Paris. That will take time. Time we don't have. We need to leave immediately."

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