Winter Attack

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Just over a month had passed since the trip to the country.Riding patrol, Aramis spotted Constance and Maria at one of the carts in the market. "Mademoiselle Bonacieux! Señora!" he called out, dismounting. He led his horse over as they turned to face him.

"Hello, Monsieur Aramis," Constance greeted with a smile.

Standing a few steps behind Constance, Maria nodded once. "Buenos días Aramis," she said. She smiled and then turned as Carmen, her duenna, spoke to her.

"What brings you into the common market place?" Aramis asked Constance, seeing as Maria was occupied.

"Soon it will be too cold to roam the streets," Constance told him. She glanced over. "And I wanted to get Maria out of the palace."

It was then that Aramis realized that Maria was dressed completely in black and not in brown as she normally was. The Spanish woman looked like she was in mourning as she leaned over the cart to examine something Carmen was pointing to. Even her gloves were black.

"I'm actually glad we ran into you today, Aramis," Constance admitted softly, getting Aramis' attention. "I'm concerned about Maria. This is the first time she's left the palace since we returned from the country. She speaks to the queen and Carmen constantly in Spanish, but to no one else."

"You don't know why?" Aramis asked.

Constance shook her head. "She was happy for a few days," she answered. "She met with the king the day after we got back, and came back pleased about something. But after that, she stopped talking and now wanders the hallways by herself." Constance paused. "There was a letter from Spain."

Thoughtfully, Aramis nodded. From what Maria had said about her last days in Spain, any news from there couldn't be good. "Could you speak to her?" Constance asked hopefully.

"I can try," Aramis replied, slowly. "There may not be much I can do to help if it was bad news from her family."

"Thank you," Constance said, smiling in relief. "If anyone can get through to her it's you...and Porthos. But he's not here."

As Constance stepped to the side, Aramis handed her the reins of his horse. "How are you today, Maria?" he asked, coming up beside the woman. "It's been too long since I've seen you."

"Well enough," Maria answered, her tone distracted. She shook her head and turned around. "Vamos, Carmen."

"Maria, would you care to walk with me? Carmen can go back with Constance," Aramis suggested. "I'd like to talk to you."

Maria shook her head. "Thank you but no," she answered. She offered a very small smile. "I am in no mood to talk to anyone today, Aramis." Before Aramis could try to reason with her, she was walking towards Constance. "Shall we return now, Señorita Constance?" she asked. "I find I am tired."

Reluctantly, Constance glanced at Aramis. The former priest shrugged helplessly. If Maria didn't want to talk, it would be impossible to make her. Sighing, the blonde lady in waiting handed him the reins back. "Good day, Monsieur," she said, disappointment in her voice.

Aramis watched the pair walk down the street, Carmen remaining a respectable few steps behind them. Shaking his head, the musketeer moved to mount. He looked up quickly as the crack of a gunshot echoed in the street. Shouts of fear rang out as people bolted for cover.

"Aramis!" He heard Maria scream, but his eyes were on the musket being pulled out of sight at the far end of the street. A man leaned into view. Even from a distance, Aramis saw that the man was a Spaniard: black hair, tan skin. The Spaniard spotted Aramis and saluted him before drawing out of sight.

The Spanish Lady (A Three Musketeers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now