The Country

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A/N: Here is the second story arch to The Spanish Lady. Enjoy!


Fall, 1625

Summer was slowly cooling into fall. The leaves were changing on the few trees to be found in Paris. And with the winter fast approaching, most of Paris was busy preparing for the cold. In the Musketeers Headquarters, though, preparations were being made for something else entirely.

"Every indication is that Buckingham is getting ready for an invasion," M. de Treville, Captain of the king's musketeers, said, laying down his reports. "I'd been hoping to avoid war." He eyed the three men standing in front of his desk. "I should have known it was impossible after your actions earlier this year."

Porthos found the ceiling worthy of his attention, while Aramis stared past the captain at the window. Only Athos met Treville's eyes. "It had to be done," Athos responded. "It was for the good of France."

"That's what you have said, but when you really get down to the matter, was it for revenge?" Treville asked. He held up his hand before any of the trio could make an answer. "I don't want an answer to that. You were obeying a direct request of the queen. That's not something that could be ignored."

He leaned back in his chair as he surveyed his three best men. "But I didn't call you here to rake you over the coals for past actions," he said. "At the king's request, you three are being sent on a mission."

The trio straightened even more to attention. "Yes, sir?" Aramis said.

"Her Majesty, the queen, is going on a visit to the country estate of the Comte de Carti," Treville informed them, consulting a paper to make sure he had the information correct. "You will escort her party there, remain as guards for the entire stay, and then escort her safely back to Paris."

"How long will the stay be?" Athos asked.

Again, Treville glanced at his letter. "It will take a day to get there, and the queen plans on remaining for three weeks," he answered. "Athos, I put you in charge of this mission. You may request as many of the musketeers as you believe will be necessary to fulfill your responsibility."

"Thank you, sir."

"Will it be a large party going?" Porthos asked.

Treville shook his head. "I believe five ladies in waiting will be journeying with you," he answered. He selected a paper and held it out. Aramis accepted it to peruse. "These are the other guests that will be at the estate during that time."

A light tap on the door interrupted them. "Enter," Treville said, starting to frown. A very young musketeer opened the door and stepped in. "Well, what is it?"

With the door now open, there could be heard a single raised voice. "Captain, there is a woman here," the young musketeer said nervously. "Somehow, she got past the gate, and she insists she needs to speak to you at once. She's...a Spaniard, sir."

Quickly, Athos, Aramis, and Porthos exchanged looks. "A Spanish woman is requesting to see me?" Treville asked in astonishment. He rose from his desk. "Is she so intimidating, or does she carry some weapon, for you to sound so unnerved, Rochlin?"

The young musketeer swallowed hard. "No, captain," he answered. "She's...she's scolding Gerard."

"What sort of woman manages to intimidate trained soldiers?" Treville asked. His eyes narrowed as he saw Porthos and Aramis were biting back grins. "This, I must see."

He hurried to the door. "I know of only one Spanish woman in Paris with the personality to intimidate soldiers," Aramis commented as he turned to follow the captain. Athos and Porthos were not far behind him.

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