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The Comte de Carti, Henri Germain, was everything that was gracious in greeting the queen. The journey to the estate had been unremarkable, save for the consistent Spanish that came from one particular carriage. Athos had assigned one of the younger musketeers there and rode at the front without any remorse.

Marquez and his daughter were studying the estate manor as the queen spoke with the comte. "I have taken every precaution, Your Majesty," Carti said. "You will be as safe here as you would be in your own palace."

Anne smiled graciously, but glanced over at the musketeers. "I sent five men ahead to make sure, Your Majesty," Athos informed her.

Looking annoyed, the comte escorted the queen into the manor. "Spread out," Athos ordered, turning to the rest of the musketeers. "I have a schedule ready. I want five men on guard at all times."

"Senñorita Marquez," Aramis said, shaking his head. "And this was looking to be a very interesting trip."

His eyes were on one of the passing ladies in waiting. The young lady hurried on, giggling. "Aramis, we have a job to do," Athos told him. "Treville's information states that the comte is a loyal Cardinalist. No doubt he's hired his own guards for this event."

"And you want us to keep from fighting?" Porthos asked, his tone disappointed.

"No. I'm just warning you ahead of time so you can be ready."


A musketeer remained within sight of the queen at all times, save for when she was in her private chambers. Tension began to rise when at least half of the other guests, all of whom were known supporters of the Cardinal, made some sort of disparaging remark about the musketeers' presence. The guards of the Comte showed the same disdainful attitude, which led to an incident the second night.

It was very early when a guard was sent into the stable that was serving as the headquarters for the musketeers. He informed Athos that the Comte was demanding retribution for what had happened. Having had the story from Porthos already, Athos was not surprised to hear the message.

"Three men!" the Comte raged, glaring across his desk at the musketeer. "Three of my men, men who are necessary to guard the queen, left unconscious on the ground by one of your musketeers! I demand you punish your musketeers severely and without delay."

"If a single man could take out all three, they were too incompetent to be trusted with the protection of Her Majesty," Athos told the man. "As I understand it, your men provoked the fight in the first place."

The Comte's eyes narrowed. "Am I to assume from that statement that you will not be reprimanding your men?" he demanded. Athos said nothing, knowing he did not have to answer to this arrogant man for anything. "Then, I will report you to the king."

"Feel free."

There was a light tap on the door before it opened. "Señor Comte," Maria said, stepping into the room.

The Comte leaned back in his seat as Athos withdrew from the library. Porthos was waiting out in the hallway. "Am I to consider myself severely punished?" the big man asked.

"If you want," Athos answered. "Carti's men didn't admit to which of the musketeers was the culprit."

The door flew open and Maria stalked out, her dark eyes glittering with rage. She pulled the door shut with a jerk. "Señor Athos," she said, her tone a deceptive calm. "Will you kindly inform the Comte that Her Majesty the Queen desires a ride across the countryside?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" Athos asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Apparently, when I speak, my accent makes it impossible for the Comte to hear me," Maria answered. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly in attempt to calm down. "If you would make the request, I will not have to go back to Anne without an answer. Otherwise, there will be trouble."

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