f o u r - n u m b

22 3 0

Do you ever feel like you can't move

from veins

to bones

all the way to the outer layer of your skin,

you just cannot move.

Every limb in your body

just stops functioning.

you stop thinking,

you sit there

and everything surrounding you is pressure

getting tighter and tighter

forcing you to not move.

If someone or something is calling out for you,

you don't have the ability to move and reply.

I feel this a lot,

when I am being physically abused

but especially verbally abused by many people.

The hits are just repetition,

over and over again,

each one hurting less than the other.

Once this pain finally stops,

you feel empty

because you know that everything is moving,

but your heart is the one thing that is truly...

n u m b

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