n i n e - d e p r e s s e d

12 2 0

Do you ever feel as though you're crying

and you have an infinite amount of tears,

you just can't stop crying and crying.

I feel this as well,

you should buy a glass jug

and by the time one week comes around

it's overflowing with your tears.

You come to school acting super happy,

with a smile tattooed over your face.

People ask how are you,

you reply fine but inside

you're not fine,

you're the literal opposite of fine

but ten times worse.

You act so happy around others 

that nobody would ever guess that you're truly in pain.

You come to school in the morning,

your eyes puffy from the night before,

people ask what's wrong because you don't look the best.

You say that your eyes are puffy because you're sick.


that statement is slightly true

because you are actually very sick,

sick of life.

Once you finally come to mind with the facts,

you realize that you're

d e p r e s s e d

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