Chapter 7

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A/N: So I moved into my new house today 16-6-18 and i am absolutely tired. I also passed my math and science test.

  "Its okay, I'm here, now let us go."  




3rd P.O.V

Izuku and Katsuki walked into the hospital, then up to the front desk.

"we're here to see Inko Midoriya," Bakugou said

"and who are you to Miss. Midoriya?" the front desk lady asked.

"i-i-i'm her son, and he's a family friend" Izuku shuttered while pointing to the ash blond teen next to him

"ok, she is in room 420"  ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) she replied.

A shaking green haired boy clung onto his ash blond boyfriend while making their way to the unconscious mother.

Izuku P.O.V




Did I Mention scared?

'What is she doesn't wake up? What if she forgets who I am? What if she has brain damage?' Multiple questions ran through my head.

"Stop mumbling shit nerd, the doc said she would be fine. So stop stressing yourself" I felt a kiss on my forehead, realizing I was mumbling a deep red blush appeared on my checks.

"Room 420 ( (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') )" bakugou sighed standing in front of the room. "You want me to come in with you?"

I nodded clinging onto my boyfriend's arm tighter.

the room was bright and a light cool breeze brushed against my face, the curtains of my mothers' room swaying lightly as if they were dancing with the wind.

I took a step forward letting go of my boyfriend's arm, another step, and another, breaking out into a light jog I embraced my mother. she looked so peaceful.

Kacchan put a chair down behind me.

"sit" he pushed me into the chair.

"thanks" I smiled at him.

grabbing my mother's hand resting my head on it, weary of my injured hand I slowly let my consciousness slip away from me, forgetting everything and everyone I fell into a deep slumber.

Kacchan's P.O.V

*Knock Knock Knock*

sighing I left my sleeping boyfriend to answer the door.

"What the actual fuck" I mumbled under my breath.

"Hello there, I am here to see young Midoriya" All might it was fucking All Might, the number ONE PRO-HERO.

stuttering I answered, "W-what do you w-want with my b-boyfriend" I gave him a protective glare.

"May I ask what your name is?" All Might gave his signature grin

"Bakugou Katsuki" I answered

"Well young Bakugou I'm here to talk to young Midoriya about what happened yesterday"

"I'll go get him, you can come in" I gestured him inside.

Izuku P.O.V ~ sorry for the constant P.O.V change~

I felt a hand brush through my hair, so thinking it was my mum I jolted awake

"Mum" I whispered voice groggy from my little nap.

"no sorry, its just me" Kacchan kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair

"Oh, Kacchan, it's just you" I hugged him wanting to feel his comforting hands around my body, I nuzzled my head into his chest.

"someones here to see you" I looked over his shoulder to see

"A-A-A-All M-Might!" I yelled embarrassed by what I just did.

"ah, young Midoriya, it is nice to see that your ok, I heard about what happened yesterday and the very heroic act you did." All Might smiled

"A-a-ah t-thank you" I blushed profoundly.

"How's your mother doing?" All Might placed a hand on my shoulder, looking towards my mum.

"Oh the doctors said she will most likely wake up today, if not today then 100% tomorrow, there will be no long-lasting damage," I answered still looking at my mum.

Turning my head to look at All Might I queried "so what brings the no.1 hero here" I gave him a huge toothy grin.

"Well, could I talk to you outside?" All Might asked 'damn this kids smile is blinding' All Might thought.

I nodded then followed him outside. We walked into the cafeteria, I got a ham sandwich and All Might got a burger. We sat down in the corner away from everyone else. I started to giggle.

"Young Midoriya, why are you giggling?" All Might asked.

"It's just that I have been a fan of you since before I could remember, I've always wanted to be a hero like you and save people with a smile on my face. Although that dream seems more distant now I still want to be a hero, and never in a million years would I have thought that I'd actually meet you let alone eat with you" I continue to giggle.

I break into laughter "also the faces of the people here are hilarious, they just keep looking at you" I said between laughter.

All Mights mood seemed to lift "that Is indeed quite funny, but may I ask, why does your dream of being a hero seem more distant"

I dropped my face and just stare at my sandwich "I'm quirkless.....ever since I was 4 I have been bullied, insulted, alone, I would cry myself to sleep. But I never gave up because that's what you would do...not give up" I looked up at All Might.

"And after a recent, well not so recent any more decision of mine I have been getting better, my...boyfriend has been helping, although he is not aware of it he is helping a lot". I smiled at him.

"Well I am deeply sorry your childhood was not ideal, I am very happy you are getting better"

We sat in awkward silence while I ate my sandwich and All Might ate his burger.

All Might P.O.V

'This kid is bright, really bright, like hand me some sunglasses bright. From what he told me, for 10 years he was bullied but he never gave up, that is what a hero would do. Also from what Nezu described he ran into that burning without a second thought
.... a true hero'

"Young Midoriya, would you like to take my quirk and become my successor?"

A/N: hello

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