Chapter 31

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**Nari's POV**

As much as I can agree that I am worried for Leian. I am more worried about Hoseok. He's like, an older brother to me and since I'm mostly alone at home before I met the girls until now -- The girls and I are mostly busy nowadays so we just say 'Hi' to each other or we eat together, but only at those times.

The thing that changed about me when Hoseok arrived before he transformed into a human and after, I felt like I was loved. My family has loved me, Yes , but only sometimes. My family and I are seperated already anyways, since my Family are in UK. I went here to continue my studies but now, it's never happening, Haha...

Jungkook walked towards the edge of the rooftop and leaned over. "What are you doing?" I asked as I walked over to him as I also leaned in to the water. In which doing so, gave me a small shock. I jumped a little as so did Jungkook. "You felt it?" Jungkook nodded and I looked over to my hands.

What was that?

What was that shock all about?

Wait, could it be that Hoseok was taken underwater and his gem had a sudden reaction?

NO! Don't think of such things, Nari!

I believe that he's fine, No. I know his fine.

"Noona, do you think Hoseok hyung is ok?" Jungkook asked, worried written all over his face. I shook my head making him react with a scared face. "I know he's fine." I replied back as Jungkook gave me an encouraging smile.

"You always have hope in you Noona~" Jungkook sang as he gave me a familiar smile. Why is it that he has Leian's type of smile? They almost have everything in common. "Aww, Thanks Kookie." I patted his head as he smiled with closed eyes.

**Leian's POV**

"We need to find Hobi! QUICK!" I demanded Jimin as he was gesturing for me to calm down. "Ok ok, just tell me where he is?"

"I don't know! Just try to find him underwater! Anything you can do to find him!"

"Ok Leian! Please calm down! Why do you care anyways!?" Yoongi raised his voice at me as I started tearing up a bit and they noticed, making their faces directly changed from Panicked to Worried. "Because he's important!," I spoke up.

"We can't lose him! You three are all important! If one of you are dead then this saga of never-ending monsters won't end!" I spoke out whilst wiping my tears away. I cried not because they all might disappear afterwards, but because my family and everyone I care about might die in this saga. Including the boys... "Now find Hoseok," I looked away.

"Please." I begged whilst not making any eye contact with anyone. "Ok, hang on here." Jimin spoke as I smiled without them seeing me a tad bit. "Thanks." I muttered, audible only for me to hear.

But just before Jimin could go underwater and try finding Hoseok. A sea monster -- a huge octopus -- was holding a fainted Hoseok. Making me freeze at my spot as everyone had shocked expressions plastered on their face. "Looks like we won't need to look for him anymore." Daemin joked but no one just minded her as the task at hand was very shocking -- see what I did there? Agh, Leian, focus.

The octopus was making noises in which I think is that it's talking. "I know what it's saying,"

"It's saying, 'find a way to get him out of my grasp or he's dead right in front all of you in just one hard grasp.'" Jimin translated as I nodded while a smirk was plastered on my face. A sign I was ready for the fight. "I know this is weird but I need Jimin to translate 'We still need to talk. Please wait.' Can you do that Jiminie?" Jimin nodded as the latter started making weird noises towards the octopus. 

Holy Mother of Potatoes, don't tell Nari, Hoseok fainted and was held hostage by the octopus. I thought whilst praying in my mind. "It said yes," Jimin spoke. Wait what? How the heck did it say 'Yes' to tell these people about the plan I was thinking of. "BUT in one minute, or it'll kill us."

I gulped before nodding and letting everyone come closer or group up to tell them the idea.

"Here's the plan,"


Annyeong~ I'm back you guys. Sorry for the long wait on this one, I didn't even know other people were also reading this even if I didn't publish a new chapter. 

I beg you to share this to your friends and to tell your friends to share it to their friends as well. Gets? (Understand?) xD

I'll try to publish twice today and tomorrow as well.

Reminder: There might be angst. xD
Sorry for disobeying you guys xD

That's all for today. New follows, new shout outs page~ Also, give some fluff Ideas that you want to be put in this story my dear Bangtaners!

Reads, Ranks, and Votes by:

June 21, 2018:
600+ Readers <3 <3 <3
Thank You so much~~~~~~

Give me any idea and I'll do it! And lastly, give any question you want to ask as well and I'll answer it! :D :D :D :)

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