Chapter Eighteen (Edit Coming Soon)

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I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I threw on some light blue shorts, a black Asking Alexandria shirt, and black Vanz. I went into the bathroom and curled my hair. I put on sparkly grey eye shadow, then I did my eyeliner. I decided to put make wings on my top lid today. I brushed my teeth and put on sparkly clear lip gloss.

I walked out and saw Trevor in the kitchen.

"Heyy Treveyyy." I said stretching out the y's. I plopped down next to him and he looked over at me.

"You look pretty today." He quickly looked away and I saw him blushing.

"Why thank you." I giggled, "You don't look hlaf bad yourself." I gave him a small smile.

He looked up and stared into my eyes. I stared back. We didn't talk. Just looked into each other's eyes. It went on like that for five minutes.

"Are we having a moment?" I cracked a smile.

He smiled back and took my hand in his. "Be my girlfriend."

I hesitated then smiled even bigger. "I will."

We then hugged for a bit. Then let go.

"Well I have to go. Shopping date with Zoe. We need to get school supplies. I can't believe that tomorrow I'll officially be an official senior." I smiled and gave Trevor a guick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye." I smiled.

He waved bye then I walked out the door. Zoe lived close so I walked to her house.


"You're dating Trevor!?" Zoe, Erin, and Llana all said at the same time with huge smiles.

"Yup" I said while sipping my drink.

"What about Luke?" Erin asked with disappointment, "I was shipping Lutoria so hard." She winked.

"Sorry but that ship isn't sailing. I talked to him on the way here. We botb decided we'd be better off friends anyway. He's like my brother now." I took one of Llana's fries.

"At least you guys are still close" Erin said while popping a fry in her mouth.

I glanced down at my phone. "Wow it's late. 8:30. We better get going. See you at school tomorrow!" I grabbed my bags and called a taxi.

By the time I got outside the taxi was already there. I gave him my address and when I got home I went straight to bed.

I had a big day tomorrow.


I woke up early. I looked over at my clock. 5:15 am.

I put my hand up to my face and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"Oh shit!" I shot up and ran out of my room.

I dashed to the kitchen and saw all the guys there.

"Do you know the day!? The time!? Shit!" I scrambled to get a bowl and some cereal. I quickly ate then ran back to my room, grabbed my outfit, then ran to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and hopped out. I pulled on my black skinny jeans, green converse, and a neon green tank top that said Ratchet on it. I put on light makeup, put on a light layer of peach lip gloss, and curled my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and checked the time on my phone. 6:30 am.

I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"What's the rush princess?" Phil asked me as he sat down next to me.

"It's my first day of school today! And dad isn't here. I woke up late! I'm surprised I even have a half hour left before I need to leave! Oh god. Who's gonna bring me? The guys go back today! And I'm just-" I stopped mid-sentence. "

I turned my head to see Phil sitting down eating some toast. Then I glanced at the rest of the table. The guys were drinking coffee and had schoolbags ready.

"What's going on..." I trailed off.

Trevor came and sat beside me. He put his arm around my shoulders. "You see little girl. The guys and I talked it over. And well. Sam and I are going to finish our last year here. With you. Then once we graduate... you're moving back to California with us. Only if you want to." He smiled at me.

"Only if I want? Of course I-" I cut myself off and looked over at Phil.

He must have seen some kind of look in my eyes because he seemed to answer my question.

"I plan on visiting once a month baby girl." He smiled at me as he adjusted his glasses.

I nodded my head. "Then it's settled. Seems like a good plan and I'm in."

After the talk Sam, Trevor and I walked outside and hopped into the car.

As Sam drove to school, I looked out my window and smiled.

Things are starting to go good. I'm finally able to go home. With my best friends. And maybe I can see my other friends there. I hope they remember me.

Sam pulled into the parking lot. We all got out and I ran and jumped onto Trevor's back.

"Onword my fellow companion slash trusty stead!" I yelled while laughing.

The guys laughed too and Trevor wrapped his arms around his back and my legs, so he could hold on better. He then began to fast-walk to the entrance.

I leaned down and quickly kissed his cheek. I started laughing and grinning again.

Maybe senior year won't be so bad after all.


Alright my lovies. This is officially the last chapter. But don't be sad. I'm going to start the sequel Going Home after I finish Good Girl Meets Bad Boy.

You guys have been so supportive through out this whole thing. This was my very first story on Wattpad. And it is definitely NOT my last.

I can't wait to start the sequel.

Until then~

I love you all so so very much (:


Living With Phil *EDITING IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now