Ch.7. Opposites (Don't) Attract.

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{I don't own Reader Chan or Nanbaka}

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{Y/N} was busy banging her head against a wall, as for the New years tournament had begun and the warden had to choose cell 13 to represent building 13, meaning they had to deal with the idiots , and the {H/C} girl had begun to realize how damn  similar number 11 was to her uncle.

So here she is trying to get the image out of her head, she soon was done with hitting her head against the wall and made her way to where everyone else was waiting, last year was a bit hectic but it was fun, now this was a new year.

The first round was having to write words in ink, the female didn't really want to participate and ignored the blue haired male speaking of it, and had her eyes narrowed at Kiji, after a few months after the hair dryer and hair dye accident he had tried to get back at her by replacing all her books with Twilight books, and to get back at him she replaced his foundation with mayonnaise.

They had a very odd relationship as sorta enemies, and soon the next phase had began and she was watching number 11 closely, as he was loosing at a simple memory card game, and the tables turned and her eyes widened.

"Well I'll be Damned , Kid really is Akuma's son" {Y/N} whistled "He uses that same trick Uncle Akuma did on dad", she nodded and smirked at Kiji or the pheasant in heavy makeup, "You loose dude, if I am right and the kid is our uncles kid, he got the guy's gambling skills".

Rock froze when hearing is older say those words and he groaned "We do not need another uncle Akuma, I repeat that guy was an idiot" he said shocking the others "Our uncle was the black sheep of the family , as our father said, and he died because of Squirrels, Donuts and Six year old's with balloons". 

"How does those things kill a person?" the blue haired cinnamon roll asked, also known as Seitauro, he soon regretted asking as {Y/N} had begun to explain in full detail how their uncle died, and the ones that had just finished the game had listened as well as building 13 had won another round.

Everyone soon realized that they were right, that Akuma {L/N} was indeed an idiot and after the story was done {Y/N} placed her hands on number 11's shoulders and asked the question they all wanted to know "Number 11, what was your fathers name?" .

  "I don't know" Uno told her "Neither do I care, he wasn't there when my Mother died and he just showed up wanting forgiveness and he left after teaching me how to gamble" he scowled "I do know that he was not as good looking as me though".

{Y/N} took her hands off his shoulders and sighed, she shoved a hand into a pants pocket and pulled out a picture of a red haired male and a {H/C} male with purple streaks in his hair, the red haired male had long hair and was grinning at the camera and the other male had a scowl on his face, she showed it to number 11, Uno ,and he froze.

"Did he look like this red haired male?" she asked bluntly , and let him snatch the photo from her hands, a picture of Kuro and Akuma {L/N} when they were younger, of course Kuro was not happy his idiot brother was there and that he was forced to take a stupid picture.

"Why do you have a picture of my father, and who's the good looking guy next to him?" Uno asked, and Rock sighed watching his sister began to smirk and lifted her hand to ruffle his hair , Uno was very confused.

"Your Father is our Uncle Akuma" a look of horror flashed across Uno's face, as for he began to realize he was flirting with his cousin this hole time and Akuma was the idiot male in the story she was telling of how he died, he didn't want to be related to that!, "And next to him is our father Kuro {L/N}, so since you say that, welcome to our messed up family kid, and you need to get another tattoo ~".

"I pray for you man, the {L/N} tattoo hurts for months after getting it do to this special ink they use, it is some form of training or something" Rock patted Uno on the back , he still felt pain in his arm after his sister tattooed him a few months ago, she had made sure it was visible so others knew he was apart of the {L/N} family.

Uno backed away from the girl who had a sadistic smile on her face and in that moment Uno feared for his life, he made a run for it and the girl ran after him and let's just say she won that race by tackling him to the ground , and soon she had Uno on a leash next to her legs making sure he couldn't run off.

By Leash I mean an actual dog leash that she for some odd reason had on her, including a dog collar , many questioned if the girl had an odd fetish with bindings , and maybe she did, and no one noticed how Kiji had been staring at the {H/C} girls behind the hole entire time, and for some reason his face heated up from all his makeup, and he had begun to figure out he was slowly falling for her, and he hated it.

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{Kiji don't hate reader Chan, your gonna love her no matter what *Evil Laughter*}

Opposites (Don't) Attract {Kiji X Tomboy Reader}DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now