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"Will you dance with me?"

The words made me dumbfounded and I was oblivious to the passage of time. My brain is thwarting me against giving my hands to the person infront of me, but my heart is ready and cheering me to not stop myself from dancing with the handsome man standing before me.

I looked around everwhere; Karan was so engrossed with his investors that he seemed almost forgot to look at us. I think I should listen to my heart and I  comforted my hand into Neil's hand.

We moved to the dance floor. The music was not loud nor it was romantic. While dancing I looked everywhere but not him. May be I was scared that Karan will catch us dancing together and the second reason was I was just avoiding his gaze. I can make out that his eyes are still on me.

"Well, how are you Kaira?" He said breaking the silence

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"Well, how are you Kaira?" He said breaking the silence.

"I am fine. What about you?"

"I am good. It was a long time since we met last time."
For that I just nodded and he continued.

"What are you doing now? Are you also wanted to start a business like your brother?"

"Not actually, but I really wanted to find a job by my own, without my brother's help and for your former question, I am doing nothing. You can call me unemployed or jobless." I said with a fake smile.

"That's seems interesting. You might find difficulty now, but I am sure, you will be successful one day. You are brilliant Kaira, anyone will give you job."

"Oh, really?" I said with my eyebrows raised.

"Of course, I am serious." I just smiled for that and this time it was not fake.We were silently dancing and none of us uttered anything.

Suddenly there was exchange of partners. I moved to the the guy besides me and Neil moved to the other girl. But our gazes were still on each other. I thought of not looking at him and focus on my dance.

Just then I looked at the face with whom I was dancing

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Just then I looked at the face with whom I was dancing. I was staggered to see the same guy of my dream, the prince charming whose painting was hanging on the wall. I forgot his name. I remember Mr.Singh telling us his name.

What's his name?

What's his name?

I tried to recall his name. I remembered, it's Sooraj Pratap Singh Rathore. The king who is no more.

'Am I dreaming or is he real?' I thought.

"No, you are not dreaming." He retorted.

Did he hear what I said in my mind or did I said it loud that he heard?
How can it be real, the king died many years ago.

Is he ghost or something? If he is a ghost, what will you do Kaira?

I am still dancing with him. I should try to move away from him. I moved back but he caught my wrist. I tried to remove his grip, but he held my wrist so tightly that it was impossible to remove.

"Leave my hand." I said, but he still held my wrist.

"I said leave my hand." I said sternly.

He is very stubborn. He didn't say anything, but smiled at me. And I don't know what happened next, I found everything black and the last thing that I could remember is someone calling my name and I am in someone's arm.


When I opened my eyes, I could see everyone surrounded by me. I tried to get up and Karan helped me to sit on the bed with my back touching the pillow which was placed behind.

"How come I reached here? I was dancing in the party."

"Yeah, you were dancing with Gourav and then you fainted." Karan replied.

"No. I was dancing with him. He was not Gourav." I asserted.

"I know you were dancing with Mr. Khanna. But when the partners were exchanged, you were dancing with Gourav, our college friend." Karan affirmed.

He was not Gourav. He was Sooraj Pratap Singh Rathore.
Wait a minute, what did he said, I was dancing with Mr. Khanna. That means Karan knew that I was dancing with Neil. But he didn't see me with Sooraj.

How can he see him, Kaira? Afterall, he is a ghost.

Kaira, do you lost your mind?

How come you see a ghost? Are you daydreaming?

What about Gourav, Kaira? You were not dancing with him.

"Relax Kaira, I think you need rest. The party is almost over and doctor told us that you need rest. Now go to sleep. We will talk about this in the morning." Karan said and I nodded.

"Take rest Kaira, Good Night." Mom said.

"Good Night, my child." Dad said.

"Good Night." I said with a smile.

They all departed out of my room and I breathed a sign of relief. I think I better sleep now after sense of enervation and then suddenly my eyes falled on something, my hand. There were red marks of fingers on my wrist as if someone holded it tightly. I know that ghost holded my hand when I was trying to leave away from him. That surmise that it was real.

Kaira, you are in great trouble now

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Kaira, you are in great trouble now.


So the the ghost or you can say the villain of the story has finally arrived.
What are you expecting after this chapter?
Why do you think that King Sooraj Pratap Singh Rathore? Is is behind Kaira?


Yours truly,

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