Pt. 2

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It was cold, very cold. I was lying on the floor? But ...outside?

I cautiously tried to sit up but the slight movements caused my head to pound, nearly making me pass out again, pausing momentarily I managed to stay conscious. Trying again but slowly, my second try was far more successful, my eyes were still closed as the light barely shining through my eyelids caused them to water slightly. I slowly pried my eyes open, only to quickly close them as the world around me lazily spun and the white light reflecting off the crisp snow burned my sore eyes. After a few fruitless     attempts at trying to perceive my surroundings, my eyes adjusted to the newfound brightness and revealed the beautiful snow laden landscape around me.
Observing everything around me, this strange worlds layout had the same style as a cgi video game would've. Where am I? Hell, who am I? I can't remember anything before... well, right this very moment.
Confused and disorientated I began to wonder around this snowy realm. I walked in a random direction, not like I had any idea where i was going anyway. After a little bit of walking I came across a gold wall, having no idea what it was I stepped through it, leaving a blurry body print in it, anxious I might have broken it I ran, an instinctual fear of being caught.

As I started to slow down I stopped running, only now did I realize I never changed out of my pajamas, a large baggy t-shirt that scarcely reached mid-thighs and small black socks. The snow had soaked my socks and the cold bled through my thin t-shirt, I obviously was not prepared to go wandering through a winter wonderland whenever I got dressed into this.

Atreus POV:

Me and my Father had just burned my Mothers body to take the ashes to the highest peak, on the way there we stopped on a cliff edge and overlooked the forest I grew up on, the magical stave that protected our section of the forest was broken, the breach slowly expanding. Draugr drew closer to the growing vulnerability, sensing its weakness and wandering through the, now useless, golden stave.

Suddenly, a loud, high-pitched, and feminine scream pierced through the air. I snapped my head down to the forest to see a small figure running away from what seemed to be a blue creature waving something in their direction as they ran.

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