Pt. 3

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(Hi, editing this is actually fun :) )

I was in shock as I looked over  my shoulder to see the small blue... man? tailing behind me while waving a hammer and trying to stop me from escaping by calling out to me with his thickly accented voice.

I can't seem to keep myself out of trouble for more than 10 minutes as when I was aimlessly walking I found a strange looking creature, that I later learned to be an Okja, lying on the ground with what seemed to be a portable blacksmith workshop on a cart attached to its back. I looked around but couldn't find any signs that anyone or anything had been here recently, out of curiosity I browsed the many ordinary looking tools hanging from the small workshop, an averagely sized chisel swung slightly on its hook, I slowly reached out to slow its swinging when a calloused blue hand grabbed my wrist and dragged my hand away causing me to gently stumbled back a few steps.
*sigh* Why must I do stupid things?
An instinctive scream crawled up the back of my throat as I saw the being that had grabbed me and I swiftly turned on my heel and ran in the opposite direction to the strange thing behind me.
However, life is never that easy is it? The small man started chasing after me shouting at me to stop trying to evade him. I was running out of breath and my only option to stay away from him was to hide, I found a thickly trunked tree and ducked behind it, shallowing my breathing as to stay hidden. But of course the blue guy was just gonna materialise right in front of me out of thin air like it was the most normal thing. I could feel my jaw drop as he huffed and gave me a stern glare only a disappointed mother could muster.
"It's a lot of hard work to be chasing ya, you know?" He said.
"You didn't have to chase me though..." I muttered under my breath.
"Like hell I did, you might have stolen something from my ol' workshop," he stated.
" I- well, I didn't and I don't really have anywhere to put it do I," I said motioning to my useless outfit.
" Hmf, fair enough. But what might a beautiful lass, like yourself, be doing out here dressed in those strange garments?" He asked.
"Thanks, I guess and to be completely honest with you, I don't really know who I am right now nor where or what this place is and I definitely didn't plan on walking in a snowy forest in these clothes today, especially without shoes on. Oh, I'm y/n by the way."
"The names Brok, if you must know." He said.
"Hey, um- Brok, if you don't mind, may I tag along with you as I'm not really sure where I actually am right now?"

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