pt. 7 (omg an actual chapter!!!)

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authors note at the end :)

Atreus' pov:

Father thought it was a good idea to go hunting today, well more like target practice I suppose. "Which way, Father?" I asked.
"In the direction of prey." He curtly replied.
I sighed, what was I really expecting though, its Father after all.
Slightly disappointed I chose a random direction and started walking, scanning the ground for any fresh tracks. "Father, Boar tracks!" Just what I was looking for.
"Are they fresh, boy?"
"Yes, they are." I said.
"Then go." He commanded.

Scanning the forest floor, I led us in the animals direction. Travelling low to the ground we sneaked closer, what we found at the end of the tracks was amazing, a boar eminating magic, runes and patterns painted on its skin in golden ink. Looking to my father he kneeled beside me, bringing me down with him. I pull out my bow drawing the string back, focussing on the target ahead of me letting everything else melt away from me. Steadying my breathing and releasing the arrow on fathers signal, the arrow peirced straight through the hide and clean out the other side of the boar. In a start the boar charged away into a maze of rocks, I followed straight after swept up in the discovery of such a rare and beautiful creature, Father called for me but I daren't look back too enthralled in the chase.

Calling out to Father I urged him to follow and keep up. "Come on, this way!" I shouted running faster, the snow crunching under my feet.
"Boy, slow down!" His distant shout rumbled behind me.
"Father, where did you go?"
"Where are you, boy?"
"Father, hurry!"

Halting to a stop I saw a woman, frantically fussing over the boar, her mouth moved bringing forth words which were of an unfamiliar tone to me. My father stopped next to me his gaze warily taking in the stranger. I ran over her eyes fixating on me and Father. "Did you do this?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm sorry, was he a friend of yours?"
"Why did you do it? Where you in need of food?" She probed, knowing the answer I let out a breath.
"No, target practice..." I paused awaiting her reaction.
"This animal is the last of its kind and you shoot it for target practice!" She accused, a slight edge in the womans tone.
"We're sorry we didn't know! Will he die?"
"I will not let that happen!"
"You," She said, pointing at Father, "Help me."
Father walked over, crouching next to the boar, "Hold him down for me, find the gateway and exit wound and pinch them together."
His hands came down on either side of the boar over the gaping wounds pulling the skin together, the boar squealed in distress under the pain. The woman pulled out a bowl filled with and unknown powder and sprinkled it over the boar, it started to glow gold as a foreign language to me flowed past her lips, whatever she did calmed the boar and its struggling eased off. Her speaking ceased as she rose.
"Bring him." She stated as she stepped backward into the forest, gesturing for us to follow.
Father lifted the boar up onto his shoulder with ease and reluctantly started to take heavy strides in the direction she was leading us, I took quick steps to keep up.
"Who are you?" I asked, my curiosity peaking as we trailed behind.
"You may call me Freya," that is all she revealed before we reached a wall seemingly untouched.
Freya held out her hand "Greiõa!"
Sparks, like those that came from fire, spread across the vines as they receeded to reveal a beautiful grassy plain, a large and imposing tree stood just off centre, the area teemed with life, I looked around in awe as she drew us closer to the grand tree. Plants and animals of all kinds were seemingly living in this area along with Freya, the animals watched with apprehension as we intruded on their haven.

Hello everybody, how are we all, this is not edited but i thought you guys deserved something lmao. and i know this is not a full chapter however it is midnight at the time i am writing this and i need to wake up at 7am for work tomorrow soooo you get what you get ;)
thank you for sticking around for so long tho, i really appreciate it!!!

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