Rushed to be strong

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Poor little Macy had just the weekend to pull herself togheter. Everyone who lost someone dear to them knows that this isn't even close to enough , but nobody else seemed to realise it. Macy was told to be strong for her mom and for her sister now. They were pushing her too far. A kid can't deal with all this but she tried to. So after the weekend she went to school. Everyone somehow knew what happened so they felt sorry for the little kid who hadn't slept in two days.

She walked slowly to class.
As soon as she ebtered the room everyone looked at her. They looked at her with pitty in their eyes.
Macy carefully putted her bag on her desk. Everyone started to say that they are sorry for her loss. Macy cried and tried to stop but she couldn't. She just took her antidepressants. She took that many of them that she felt numb. No pain, no sadness , no nothing. Just numb.
And she liked it ...

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