Teacher's behaivour

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Her grades drasticly dropped. It was understandable. You can not overcome your own father's death for a day, week, nonth or even a year. Most of the teachers were understanding her situation .But there was that one math teacher....The most strict teacher in school. She used ti scream at her but her dad used to comfort her.....
She had done a test a few days ago and sge gave it to her mom to sign  it. It was there, on the table but in the rush she forgot the paper at home.
Her school was really far away so she had to go an hour early to be in time.
Macy was almost in front of  tje school gates when she remembered that she forgot her test. She began to panic. If she tried to go home and get it she would be really late but if she didn't , she would be  in alot of trouble.

She looked at her phone and she was already running late so she rushed to class.

Macy and her friend Polly were talking and Polly asked if Macy brought her test. Macy didn't. The whole class heard and they started to worry as well . They knew how cruel the teacher is.
It's math class now.
The teacher is collecting all the students' papers but when she reached Macy and heard that she had forgotten her paper, the ebil teacher immediately began to scream.
" GO GET THE TEST RIGHT NOW " said the teacher angrily anf loudly" I WANT IT ON MY DESK RIGHT NOW "
Macy had had enough " Well , i want my father back too, but things can't work the way we want them to" she said and got out of the classroom. She pulled out her phone and called her mom. Her mom was furious. In the mean time one if Macy's classmates had succseed to get Macy to go back into class.
Macy couldn't stop sobbing.

A few minutes passed and her mom was already in front of the school gates. It's unclear how she did that sence they live far away from school.
The teacher went to get the test from Macy's mom.

A few minutes passed before the teacher returned.


When the teacher finally return, she was scared to her bones so she told Macy that she is free to go home. Macy packed her stuff but before she got out of class , her teacher wrote her an A..
Macy returned home and resred for the rest of the day

I know that there are people who write more but im still a newbie.
Anywaya i hope you enjoyed it

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