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"So, what did you do this summer, Yugyeom?"

Yugyeom nervously rubbed the back of his neck, too shy to meet Mina's gaze. "Um, just hung out around the neighborhood like usual."

Mina nodded, looking down at her worksheet. Yugyeom gulped.

"W-what did you do in Japan?"

Mina sighed happily. "My cousins and I had so much fun. We went everywhere. I hadn't seen them in forever, it was so fun."

Yugyeom smiled. "That's great."

Mina nodded, humming to herself. Yugyeom felt his stomach twist. "Um, there's something I want to ask you..."

Mina rose an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Yugyeom nodded his head. "Uh, can you, uh, meet me after school?"

Mina smiled confusedly. "Okay. Where?"

"My car?"

Mina nodded. "Sure." A light blush tinted her soft cheeks. Yugyeom nodded and looked back down at his paper.

He smiled to himself, proud that he had finally worked up the nerves to do it.


"So, did you do it?"

Bambam set his tray down next to Yugyeom's, gazing at him excitedly. Yugyeom set his fork down.

"I asked her to meet me by my car after school."

Jackson perked up on the other side of the table. "Wait, really?"

Yugyeom nodded. The table cheered while Yugyeom blushed.

"Guys, stop. It's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big of a deal?", Jaebum asked. "Seriously? You've had a crush on her since kindergarten, I think it's a pretty big deal."

Yugyeom's face burned and he covered it with his hands. Bambam laughed, patting him on the back.

"You're gonna do great, Yuggy. Also, anyone want to give me a ride since Yugyeom is gonna be fucking Mina in his car and I don't want to see that."

"Bambam, shut up!", Yugyeom shrieked, punching Bambam in the arm, hard. The shorter boy yelped and fell off of his seat, clutching his shoulder.

The table laughed, Youngjae and Jackson's ringing out the loudest. Bambam got back up, glaring at Yugyeom.

"I'll give you a ride, Bam", Mark said, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes and trying not to laugh. Bambam thanked him quickly.

"What are you headasses laughing about?"

The boys turned around and saw Momo and Chaeyoung hovering over them with trays of food in their hands. Jackson pointed at Yugyeom, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yugyeom's gonna do it! He's finally asking Mina out!"

Momo's face lit up and she shoved her tray into Chaeyoung's hands, grabbing Yugyeom's shoulders. "REALLY?!"

Yugyeom removed himself from her grasp. "Yeah, after school today."

Momo grinned widely. "Oh my god, finally! Wait..."

She shoved her face right up close to Yugyeom's, giving him a hard look. "You better fucking treat her right or I'll beat your tall ass, got it?"

Chaeyoung laughed and pulled her friend back. "Yugyeom is like the nicest boy in the entire world and he's been in love with Mina since forever. I don't think you have anything to worry about, Momo."

Momo stepped back, taking her tray from Chaeyoung's hands. "I know, I just wanted to make sure he knows what will happen if he treats her wrong."

Chaeyoung giggled. She pulled on Momo's arm. "We'll see you guys later!"

The boys waved goodbye to the two, going back to their lunch. Jackson shook his head, chuckling.

"How did you survive your break up with her, Jaebum?"

Jaebum choked on his food. The boys laughed as he cleared his throat. "Oh god, don't remind me. I still can't look at her in the eyes."

Yugyeom shook his head. He pushed his food around on his tray nervously.

He really hoped Mina would say yes.

listen to ghost by frankie and scott hoying it's so gOOD and the music video is my fucking favoritest thing

also we all know momo beat jaebum's straight ass for breaking up with her


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