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Mark, Youngjae, Yugyeom, and Bambam ran around the lawn together, laughing and screaming. Mrs. Tuan and Mrs. Choi sat on Mrs. Tuan's porch, chatting with Mrs. Bhuwakul. Mrs. Tuan gazed over at Yugyeom's house, seeing a car pull into the parking lot.

"Oh, Mrs. Kim is back from work! Excuse me for a second", she apologized, standing up and heading toward the car.

Mrs. Kim opened the door and got out. Her hair and clothes were a mess and she looked as tired as ever. Mrs. Tuan smiled politely, taking the stack of papers form her hands and offering to carry them for her. Mrs. Kim agreed, and the two walked inside the house.

"So, how was work?", Mrs. Tuan asked. Mrs. Kim collapsed on the couch, sighing deeply. She rubbed her face.

"Like it usually is", Mrs. Kim muttered. Mrs. Tuan pursed her lips.

"You know, I could take care of Yugyeom while you're gone", Mrs. Tuan offered. Mrs. Kim sat up, staring at her.

"I-I don't have the money for that", Mrs. Kim answered. "And Yugyeom is okay. He just plays outside all day anyway."

Mrs. Tuan smiled shakily, trying to contain her anger and disgust. "You don't have to pay me. It'll give Mark something to do anyway."

Mrs. Kim sighed, trying to smile but looking exhausted instead. "I'd...really appreciate that. Thank you."

Mrs. Tuan started walking out the door. "No problem."


"Yugyeom, what is so important that I had to ditch class to come take care of it?"

Yugyeom startled as Bambam walked in the front door without knocking. He stopped in front of the other boy, his hands on his hips. Yugyeom bit his lip and looked down.

He had texted Bambam and asked him to come over as soon as possible, saying that it was important. After Mina had left, he had taken a shower and gotten dressed, and was currently sitting on the couch, waiting for his friend.

"Well...", Yugyeom twisted his hands together, gazing at the ground. Bambam saw that something was obviously wrong and sat down on the couch next to him, his expression changing from annoyed to worried. Yugyeom bit back the tears forming in his eyes, feeling his throat tighten.

"Yugyeom, what happened?", Bambam asked. Yugyeom took a deep breath, shutting his eyes shut tightly.

"I...I don't know", Yugyeom whispered. The tears escaped his eyes and fell down his cheeks.

Bambam pulled his head onto his shoulder and stroked his hair while the taller boy cried. Yugyeom sobbed, his stomach twisting and his chest tightening.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Bambam! I've liked her since forever, but last night...It just didn't feel right. She liked it, but, I don't know...I guess I hated it. It just made me feel so...wrong."

Bambam stared at the wall in front of them, a serious expression on his face. He sighed, pulling Yugyeom from his shoulder and twisting around so they were facing each other.

"Yugyeom, maybe you didn't like it because you don't like girls."

Yugyeom's eyes widened and he wiped at them with his sleeve aggressively. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Bambam pursed his lips and gazed at Yugyeom knowingly. "You said you felt uncomfortable. I don't think that's because it's Mina. I think it's because you...like dudes."

Yugyeom stared at Bambam, his stomach filling with dread. "But...how can I be gay if I like Mina?"

Bambam sat back on the couch. "Your entire life, it's always been Mina. You've never even bothered to think about anything else. You've gotten into this habit of liking her and you don't even bother looking at anyone else. Maybe if you stopped staring at her all the time, you could look around and see what you really want."

Yugyeom gulped, staring down at his hands. He knew Bambam was right, he felt it deep down inside, but everything he was saying still made him mad. He liked Mina, he'd always liked Mina, that wasn't supposed to change...

"I think you're just making shit up because you want me to be gay like you", Yugyeom spit accusingly. Bambam's eyes widened and he sat up straight, staring at Yugyeom.

"What the fuck did you just say-"

"Just because you're questioning, doesn't mean everyone else has to as well!", Yugyeom shouted, standing up. He didn't know why he was getting so upset. Bambam was just trying to help him.

Bambam shot up off of the couch, clenching his fists. "Are you serious Kim?! You force me to skip class and put my ass on the line, and then you insult me when I try to help you?! What the fuck is your problem?!"

"Get out of my house", Yugyeom growled, pointing at the door. Bambam glared at him and shoved past him, storming out the front door.

Yugyeom stared at his hands after Bambam left, feeling his chest tighten painfully.


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