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"Yugyeom, are you almost ready?"

The small boy galloped down the stairs, a backpack strapped to his back.

His mother smiled, gazing at him as he jumped excitedly by the door. "Can we go now?", he asked desperately, his hand already on the door handle.

Mrs. Kim laughed. "Okay, be patient." She opened the door, following her son down the sidewalk. He slipped his small hand into her own.

"Why isn't Dad here?", Yugyeom asked as they walked. Mrs. Kim pursed her lips at the mention of her husband.

"He couldn't make it."

"When is he coming home?"

Mrs. Kim sighed. "I don't know honey. His work should be done soon."

They stopped at the line of children with their mothers, all with backpacks on their backs and waiting for the school bus. Mark, Youngjae, and Bambam all waved at Yugyeom, gesturing for him to come join them. Before the child could run away, Mrs. Kim tightened her grip on his hand, kneeling in front of him.

"Yugyeom, you'll do great. I know your father wishes he could be here, and I'm sorry he's not."

Yugyeom cocked his head to side, smiling easily. "It's okay. I forgive him. Can I go now?"

Mrs. Kim nodded and let go, Yugyeom running off to join his friends. She stared after him sadly.

"I wish you wouldn't forgive him so easily."


Yugyeom had spent the rest of the day moping. After Bambam had left, he had angrily eaten an entire tub of ice cream and was currently making himself some tea to calm down.

He jumped as the front door suddenly opened, almost dropping his cup. His eyes widened in surprise as his father walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, Dad! I thought you weren't coming home for another week?"

His father set his suit case on the ground and stretched, yawning widely. He barely glanced at his son before heading to the fridge and rummaging through it.

"They let me off early."

"Oh, cool", Yugyeom muttered. He was slightly disappointed that his father hadn't been happier to see him, considering he hadn't seen his own son for a month. Then again, he shouldn't be surprised. His father had never seemed to care.

"When does school start for you?", his father asked, grabbing a container of left-over rice and sticking it in the microwave. Yugyeom watched him with narrowed eyes.


His father hummed. "Why aren't you at school?"

"I'm sick", Yugyeom quickly answered, coughing for emphasis. His father glanced at him for a second.

"That's too bad." He pulled the container out of the microwave, grabbing a fork and starting out of the kitchen.

"Hey, can you call the school and excuse my absence?", Yugyeom shouted after his dad. He was answered with a small grunt and his bedroom door shutting.

Yugyeom gazed at the ground for a second, deflating. Then, he brushed it off, grabbed his tea, and headed upstairs to his own bedroom.



The boy yelped as he was engulfed by a tall, skinny boy. He complained loudly, pushing Mark off of him.

"Get off of me."

Mark smiled, sitting next to Yugyeom on his bed. The taller boy had been sitting in his room for several hours, watching videos on his phone and feeling bad for himself.

"How'd you get in my house?", Yugyeom asked, fixing his hair. Mark chuckled.

"Your dad let me in. I didn't know he was back."

Yugyeom rolled his eyes. "Yeah, he just showed up today."

Mark sat back on the bed. He gazed at Yugyeom questioningly. "Why weren't you at school today?"

"I'm sick", Yugyeom mumbled. Mark raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? And why did Bambam ditch first period and come back all pissed?"

Yugyeom glared at the ground. Mark hummed, sitting forward and leaning towards Yugyeom.

"Gyeom, what happened?"

The taller boy sighed. "I called him over because I wanted to talk to him about something seriously but then he just made all this shit up! And then he got all pissed when I called him out on it!"

Mark narrowed his eyes. "What did you guys talk about?"

Yugyeom bit his lip. "I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone else."

Mark nodded, sitting forward eagerly. Yugyeom took a deep breath.

"I had sex with Mina last night."

Mark gasped, jumping slightly and covering his mouth. He stared at Yugyeom with wide eyes. "Are you serious?", Mark whispered and Yugyeom flushed.

"I wasn't done."

Mark nodded, going quiet and listening intently. Yugyeom prepared himself to continue.

"Well, for some reason, having sex with her made me...uncomfortable, I guess? Like, I didn't like it. It felt weird and...disgusting, I think."

Mark stared at Yugyeom, waiting for him to continue.

"So, after she left, I called Bambam over, to talk about it, you know? And he told me that the reason I felt that is because I'm gay or some bullshit, which is stupid because I think I'd know if I was gay-"

He was cut off by Mark's loud laugh, ringing out in the bedroom. Yugyeom stared at him, appalled.

"Oh my god, Yugyeom, you are so gay."

Yugyeom gasped. "I am not!"

"Yes, you are."

Yugyeom stood up, furious. "How would you know?"

"Because that's pretty much what happened to me."

k bye

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