Moving In

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"You are not my mother." I snapped at the similar looking woman.

She looked taken aback by my statement as I walked around her and out of the station.

"Lyndon Sherman." The officer at the door stopped me, making me not go any farther.

"If you could kindly move out of my way it would be greatly appreciated." I told the officer as kindly as I could.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I cannot do that." The officer informed me, his arms folded like a soldier behind his back.

"I just want to go see my mom and my dad and my brother and my sister! I want my friends! Just please let me see my family!" I cried, breaking down. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as I fell against the wall.

"I just want to see my mom!" I cried into the persons arms.

"Just go with them ok? Everything will be alright." Levi's voice whispered in my ear softly.

"No! I just want my mom! Why won't they let me see my mom?!" I cried.

"Because Lyndon, you're mother and father have run away. They are gone. You cannot go see them because they have left you." A stern voice came from behind us.

I turned to face a very stern looking man.

"Excuse me?" I whipped my nose. "Who are you?" I questioned, looking the uniformed man up and down.

"I am the person in charge of this entire building." He told me. "I do not consider you talking to my officers in the manner you have been. I am greatly offended and you have caused a scene in my unit."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Just let me go to MY home! I want to see my mom and dad and I want to see Michael and Cassidy! Please!" I cried, throwing my hands up.

"Lyndon? Cassidy and Michael are here too. They were taken just like you were." I looked up at the man hopefully.

"Please! Let me see them!" I pleaded him, clasping my hands together.

He nodded, "of course. Follow me please." I followed him back into the building and up the stairs and down a lot of halls.

He finally came to an interrogation room and opened the door for me.

I stepped inside and saw my baby brother and sister.

"Michael! Cassidy!" I cried, running at them.

"Lyndon?" They sounded confused but came to me anyway. "How did you find us?"

"Me? How did they find you?" I questioned. "I've been in the hospital for four days, maybe they got the address from there and got you?" I suggested aloud. The twins nodded, agreeing with me.

"What is going on? Where are mom and dad?" Cassidy asked cautiously.

"You haven't told them yet?" I asked the police in the room watching us.

He shook his head. "They haven't gotten to them yet." He replied curtly. I nodded slowly at him and sat in front of the twins.

"Mom and Dad... well you see, they aren't our parents." Cassidy and Michael just stared at me. "They are our kidnappers, and we aren't even related."

"Our kidnappers? What the hell?!" Michael yelled, getting upset.

"I don't know! But they're splitting us up." I informed the twins. "They found my parents and they found your parents."

Cassidy stared at me with wet eyes as a women and man walked into the room, crying.

"Rowan! Ryker!" The woman cried, rushing towards my brother and sister.

Michael was Ryker and Cassidy was Rowan.

My whole life was a lie.

Next thing I knew, another woman burst threw the door with a stoic looking man trailing behind her.

The man looked very familiar for some reason, I just couldn't place my finger on it.

"Zania!" The woman screeched, running towards me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I kept my arms at my sides, letting the unknown woman hug me tightly.

"Who is Zania?" I asked rudely. I watched as the woman loosed her grip and stared at me with wet eyes.

"Why honey! Your name is Zania!" She cried, falling into the hard faced man behind her, crying into her hands.

"No, ma'am, my name is Lyndon." I told her as polite as I could muster.

She cried even harder as the man scoffed. "This is your mother, Riley, I'm your dad, Dan." The man told me politely. It made me think of a well trained army man.

Now it was my turn to scoff.

"My mother and fathers name is Michaela and Sam. You are not my parents, I'm sorry." The woman who claimed to be my mother started to bawl her eyes out as she looked taken aback.

My mother and father were the only people I loved, well other than Michael and Cassidy. No body ever wanted to or had the guts to come close enough to me to love me. I was a different kind of girl, one that was unlovable. One that people didn't touch and be affectionate on. My parents and siblings understood that and loved me either way.

"Lyndon, you will be going home with Riley and Dan here, you will be living with them." Something clicked in me, and I got angry. My eyes filled up with tears as I looked at the cop speaking to me.

"What about my brother and sister?" I questioned, shaking.

"Lyndon? Rowan and Ryker are not your real brother and sister, they are going to live with their family." She informed me, placing a gentle hand on my bicep.

"Zan--Lydnon." The lady corrected herself. "Your brother and sister's home is extremely close to ours, that was how we found out how your kidnappers got all of you. Our family and their family were close friends." My "mother" explained, taking a step forwards.

"I want my mom and dad!" I pouted, stamping my foot on the tile.

"No. You are coming home with your mother and I. Your real parents." Dan scolded, making me flinch. I didn't answer, I only stared hard and long at him, daring him to look away first. But he was my father.

This is where I get my stubbornness from.

"You're going home with us. Your family. Got that?" I nod once, crossing my arms across my chest.

My brother and sister each give me a hug and kiss goodbye, pushing me to go with my parents.


The house was a medium sized house, tan in color, and at least two stories high. The inside was just as gorgeous as the outside. I felt if I touched any of the pure white furniture, then I would mess it up. As if my hands sprayed mud rather than spider webs.

Everything was white. The walls, the floors, the ceilings, the furniture, was white. A few black things here and there to make everything stick out, but it was like purity threw up in this home.

I had officially moved in...

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