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"Yeseul," Doyoung decided to call her attention while she was sitting on the couch. "You want something to eat?"

Yeseul just smiled, looking at the boy who was the same agr as her, "Thanks, Doyoung. But I'm still full."

Ten wasn't in the club room today since he had something to do for the dance club.

"Noona," Haechan actually followed her inside. He whispered something to his sister, "Are you sure you're ready to talk to him? I mean, what if your amnesia gets worse?"

Yeseul furrowed her eyebrows at him, "Why would my amnesia get worse? And didn't the doctors tell me that if I talk to someone familiar, it can help me remember?"

Haechan looked around the room seeing Doyoung, Jaehyun, Taeil and Jungwoo listening to their conversation. He pointed at each one of them, "But, aren't we all familiar?"

"Maybe she finds Yuta hyung, REALLY familiar," Doyoung teased which ended up in Jaehyun hitting his chest.

The door opened and it revealed Yuta who still has sweats all over his shirt. His hair was already wet and covering his eyes.

He put the ball back on the shelf and faced Yeseul, "You were looking for me?"

Yeseul was frozen. She was ready to ask Yuta about the picture but the moment he walked in, she didn't know what to do. She felt a bit of pain in her heart and it felt like her world stopped.

"Noona?" Haechan started shaking her.

Yeseul came back to her senses and faced Yuta who was already raising his eyebrows at her, "Can I talk to you?"

The audience started to look back and forth between the two, waiting for Yuta's answer.

Taeyong nudged his elbow, "Dude, this is like a blessing in disguise. Go on, talk to her."

Yuta let out a deep sigh, "Fine. Follow me to the rooftop."

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

Yuta locked the door behind him. He turned around and saw how Yeseul smiled at the scene in front of her.

You can see the whole school from up there and the garden had so many beautiful flowers. The sky was also a perfect shade of blue and the sunlight was not too hot for them.

Yuta liked spending his free time in the rooftop since this is the only memory of him with her.

"What do you want to talk about?" Yuta asked, crossing his arms while his back leaned on the wall.

Yeseul turned around and showed the picture to him, "Here. I want to know what we were doing there and -"

"It was a dare," Yuta cut her off. Too painful to even remember the memory. That picture was taken during their second anniversary and it was really a special moment for them.

It was one of Yuta's favorite because that night, they became one with each other. They made that night, theirs.

"But it doesn't help the fact -"

"That what?" Yuta covered up his pain with anger. "Look, Yeseul, I don't know what game you're playing but I don't want to risk anything here. Go back to, Ten."

And there it is again. Pain. Yeseul felt heartbroken when she heard those words. But why? How is Yuta related to all of this?

"Yuta, just answer the question," Yeseul said, grabbing his arm.

Yuta tried prying the girl's hand off, "I already did. Now let go."

"No!" Yeseul blocked the door as she saw Yuta reaching for the doorknob.

"Yeseul, get out of the way," Yuta gritted his teeth. "I don't have all day to deal with you,"

Yeseul looked up at him. Her tears were already forming and as much as Yuta wanted to push her away, all he wanted right now was to come closer. To feel her skin brushing against his again.

"You really hate me, don't you?" Yeseul whispered, wiping the tears away.

"The opposite," Yuta muttered, not minding whether or not Yeseul could hear it but she did.

"Then why -"

Yeseul stopped midsentence when Yuta pulled her into a hug. He rested his chin on Yeseul's shoulders. "Please, don't ask anymore."

He hugged her tight, not wanting to let go. Yeseul could feel her emotions bursting out as she raised her hands and hugged Yuta's waist.

The hug was something different. It was different from a hug she receives from her family. Different from his friends. And more importanly, it was different from her hug with Ten.

Yuta's hug was more of a comforting feeling. A feeling she never wanted to let go of. Yuta's hug made her feel safe and secure. She felt like home in his arms.

"Why do I feel like I've hugged you before?" Yeseul asked, burying her face in Yuta's neck.

Yuta squeezed her one last time and let go, "Be happy with Ten." He said, still holding her waist. "And don't bother me anymore."

And with that Yuta opened the door as he slammed it shut, still holding the knob on the other side.

"Yuta! Yuta!" Yeseul banged her fists on the door. "Yuta! Come on! At least I deserve an explanation!"

Yuta's tears started to flow as he tightened his grip on the doorknob. Yeseul on the other hand, gave up as she sat down on the ground. Her head resting on the door.

"I'm sorry, Yeseul," Yuta whispered. "I'm sorry,"

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