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My life hasn't always been easy. 

Sure, many people might say that living in a tower practically all your life would be boring and unproductive, but it actually was quite the opposite. It made me realize how much of life I was missing and helped me figure out the secret to my past. 

Of course, none of that matters now... Even with knowing that I'm the lost princess of Corona, I can't ever go back. I won't ever be able to meet my real parents, I won't ever be able to see those beautiful floating lanterns again....And most importantly, I won't ever be able to see my beloved Eugene Fitzherbert (or Flynn Ryder for those that know him by his criminal name) ever again. And it's all because of her...


"Hurry, Rapunzel! This way!" The shopkeeper's daughter whispered urgently to me as we tip-toed quietly around her little store in the middle of the night.

I hugged my hooded cape tightly to me, keeping my long, blonde braid concealed underneath to hide who I was. I scurried as quietly as I could across the wooden floor being careful not to step on any creaky floor boards. 

Valerie waited for me on the other side of the room, expertly dodging shelves of food products and convenient items for typical household life. As I rushed over to join her, she scanned the shop windows behind me to ensure that no one was watching us. After all, this was my only chance of escape and if we were caught, it was going to be the end of me. 

Once I reached her, I could barely open my mouth to say anything before she spoke up, slurring her words quickly in order to get out every piece of information that I needed to hear for my journey ahead," Listen closely. Outside this door lies a carriage waiting to take you to the outskirts of the kingdom. It'll drop you off at a lodge where you'll rest up for the night. Right as the sun is coming up, another carriage will be waiting for you outside to take you to your final destination. It'll be a long journey ahead, but it'll keep you safe. You don't have to worry about knowing who your carriage driver is, either. They know who you are and will make themselves known to you when they see you. These are people who work for my father so if you ever doubt if someone is being truthful to you, ask to see their employment badges. My father has each of his employees carry one around with them everywhere. Get going and good luck."

I immediately engulfed Valerie into my arms, circling my arms around her tiny, teenage body. For being only sixteen years old, she was already so brave and courageous. And she was risking her life just to save mine... It reminded me strongly of someone else I knew not too long ago... Someone who gave his life for me, but was unsuccessful in granting me the freedom I so strongly desired. My heart grew heavy and I could feel myself fighting back a sob at the memory of him. 

But I had to stay strong. For Valerie. She didn't need to see how broken up inside I truly was, especially after all she went through behind her father's back in order to get me to where I was now. I needed to be brave just like her. 

"I owe you my life," I whispered delicately to her as we parted, feeling tears well up into my eyes.

"No, princess," she whispered, a weak, yet grateful smile crossing her tired face. "I owe you mine."

With one last big hug, I waved her goodbye and stepped through the back door as quietly as I could. She didn't hesitate to close and lock the door behind me the minute I was completely outside, causing me to jump slightly. Like Valerie had told me, a simple wooden carriage stood before me waiting for my arrival. A young man no older than Valerie was leaning against the door to the cabin itself and immediately straightened himself out upon seeing me. 

"Are we ready, princess?" He said in a hushed tone almost too low to hear. 

I gave him a simple nod and a small smile, not having the strength to form words after my abrupt goodbye with Valerie. It was all happening so fast and it made me incredibly nervous to know what would come of Valerie the moment she and everyone else helping her if she were to find out about what they've all done. It wasn't going to take her long to notice that I was gone and she was going to do everything in her power to make sure I was brought back to her.

"I'm Alex, by the way. I hope you get to where you're going safely." He said sweetly as he opened the door to the cabin for me. 

"Thank you, Alex. You are all too kind." I said to him, feeling my heart swell even more to hear those words. It was incredible to see that someone who didn't even know me personally could care so much for me and risk their life just so that I could have the chance to live mine. It felt so undeserved. 

With his help, I climbed into the carriage cabin and sat down on the velvet seat before closing the door. After feeling the tug of the carriage as it started to move, my nerves began to escalate again. Mother Gothel was such a smart woman. Almost too smart, it seemed. A part of me doubted that I could actually get away from her without her tracking me down within a few days. Yet the other part of me wanted to have hope that this all would go as planned. Not even I knew where my final destination was and I hoped that was a good thing. 

Taking in deep breaths as I watched myself travel down the familiar roads of Rigsdale, the semi-large town I stumbled upon when Mother Gothel relocated us, I tried not to focus on all of the odds that were against me and closed my eyes to try to get some sleep.

"This is going to be a new start for you, Rapunzel." I told myself almost inaudibly as I snuggled more into my cloak for warmth. "From here on out, everything is going to change..."  

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