Chapter 5:What's That?

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"Told you it was too soon," an unfamiliar voice was heard from around me. 

I couldn't process much about what was going on, but everything was black and all I could hear were two people talking...

"I was trying to be a good friend, ya know?" This voice I recognized clearly. It was Hiccup's. But who was he talking to? "And Toothless wouldn't hurt a soul, so I figured... y-you know..."

"That showing her a dragon was a good idea?" the other voice scoffed. It sounded just as young and deep as Hiccup's. "Dude, she's clearly been through enough as it is. Couldn't you tell that she was exhausted?" 

I heard Hiccup sigh deeply, his friend's scolding starting to get to him.

"Why do you care so much about her anyways? You barely even know her," the friend spoke up again after a brief moment of awkward silence passed between the two of them.

"She's different, Jack. You see it, too, don't you?" Hiccup said, his voice becoming more agitated. 

Jack? I guess that's what the friend's name was... 

"Yeah, I guess I do..." It was Jack's turn to sigh. "Still, you don't know anything about her except that she's got long hair, she comes from Corona, and hates shoes. If you ask me, I'd say she's hiding something pretty significant. No offense to Merida, but I don't think strangers willingly come to outcast towns in her kingdom for no reason." 

"I know she's hiding something, Jack." Hiccup spat, clearly hating the conversation he was having. Seemed as if his friend was pretty blunt and pressing. And negative, too, by the sound of it. "I don't know what world you're living in, but the last time I checked you don't ask people you just met all about their past. She'll tell me when she feels like she can trust me to listen."

"How do you know she's safe to be around?" Jack questioned, his voice stiff. 

"I don't." Hiccup responded, mimicking Jack's cold tone. "But I trust her and I can tell that she's a good person." 

Jack scoffed again, his voice becoming more distant as I heard a door open in the background,"She may be a good person, but all I'm saying is that nobody leaves behind notes like that as a joke. Whatever happened to her before, it's clearly catching up to her now and you should stay away before something happens to you, too."

The door closed shut before Hiccup could say anything. During all of this, I was trying to remember the last thing that happened...

I remembered being exhausted and still going out with Hiccup to see the town... I remembered running through the forest and nearly giving up at the end... I also remembered-


Oh yeah...

The dragon... 

Yep, I remembered it all, now. I blacked out soon after I saw Toothless. As I began to gather my senses, I felt a warm, thick cloth covering my body and a soft cushion was placed underneath me....I was back at home! I was in my bed... I guessed I blacked out pretty hard if I didn't wake back up. Poor Hiccup... He probably felt terrible and brought me back home. 

Slowly, I peeked my eyes open just in case it was bright out. As my view became more focused, I could make out Hiccup sitting in one of my two kitchen chairs on the other side of my cottage with the sunset's rays pouring in through my window. 

"Hiccup?" I mumbled, my voice groggy and flat out ugly. I was embarrassed for having said anything. 

His head perked up the minute he heard his name called and came rushing over to me. "Hey, Rapunzel! How're ya feeling?" He looked a little disheveled and tired, no doubt from having to drag my poor self back to my cottage.

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