Chapter 6:A Need to Trust

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No no no no this couldn't be happening!! 

Who left this note here?! 

How did she know who to give this message to in order to get it to me? 

Was she in town? 

Did she follow the messenger? 

How much time did I have before she knew where I lived? 

Or did she already know...

So many thoughts raced through my head as I tried to comprehend the note that was left on my doorstep. I wasn't here a full week yet and she already managed to find me! How was that even possible?!

Swallowing hard as I tried to process what to do, I glanced around at my humble home and sighed heavily as I felt my heart sink deep into my chest. I looked over at the pots I was going to paint sitting in the corner by my front door. I glanced over my little kitchen and noted that my small cabinets were full of food for the week. I looked down at my bed and the blankets that kept me warm and protected at night.... In just a few days, I was able to create the beginnings of a new life.... And just in a matter of minutes, I was going to have to leave it all behind. My bag wasn't going to be able to fit everything, but I was determined to bring at least a few things with me until I could find a new place to stay.

With another deep sigh escaping my trembling lips, I managed to get my weak legs out of bed and onto the floor by my bedside. I was starting to regret asking Hiccup to leave especially since I was starting to think more clearly now. He was the only friend I had and the only person who didn't ask questions about my past. And though he was respectful of it, I was coming to realize that maybe it wouldn't be too bad of an idea to tell him about what's going on... It would be nice to have someone who knew exactly what I was experiencing and why I felt so panicked all the time. 

Are you kidding?! You can't tell a soul! What if he was the one who left the note?! My mind objected almost immediately to the thought.

"He would never," I whispered harshly to myself, trying to silence the nagging thoughts that invaded my brain. 

How do you know that? You've only known him for a few days.

"I only knew Flynn for a few days, too..." I countered, suddenly feeling extremely lonely and vulnerable at the sound of his name leaving my lips. That was the first time I had mentioned his name aloud since...... 

I sighed again. 


"Focus, Rapunzel!" I snapped, not wanting to get caught up in the depths of my misery once more. There was a huge problem at hand and I couldn't let myself get distracted by my haunting past. 

Running my shaking hands through my hair, I pulled out my worn bag from underneath my bed and shuffled around like a mad man to gather things I'd need for a short while until I found another place to stay. 

"Dresses, just a few....Uh, paints, yes....Pillow?...Hmm, maybe not, but I can take the blanket," I muttered to myself as I began to pull out drawers, open cabinets, and tear apart any organization of my little cottage to gather supplies. 

I tried to keep everything somewhat organized in my bag as I began to throw everything into it to ensure I fit the maximum amount of things. My hands still couldn't stop trembling and I couldn't seem to get myself to calm my racing heart. I was completely awestruck that only after two days, Mother Gothel had found me. I guess I had always underestimated her. She always seemed to find me when I attempted to run away. Maybe I just wasn't as good at hiding as I thought? After all, I could easily stand out in a crowd with just my hair alone.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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