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It is midnight. You put on your fuzzy jacket and boots before slipping into the cool air. You shut the door behind you and take a deep breath, gazing into the stars.

"I'm ready."

The walk to the house is silent. You take your time, enjoying the lively night around you. Although it is late, many people still crowd the streets. The city is filled with gorgeous lights. It makes you angry that such a beautiful city could be filled with so many souls you can't stand. You bite your lip and keep going.

The house stands at the end of the road ahead. Not a house in particular, but an apartment. The entrance is by the far corner of the first floor. You had visited this place not too long ago, when Uraraka's mother invited you to stay for dinner one night. Your memory had locked the place firmly in your mind. "I made it," you say, taking a step forward.

This area of the city is less busy than around the corner. It is an accumulation of apartment complexes, one stacked right next to the other. There's not too many busy streets or even people nearby. You check your phone screen. 1:23. Most people are probably asleep, considering it is Tuesday.

You reach into your fuzzy pocket and grip to the handle of a knife.

As you step closer to the door, not one thought passes through your mind. It is as though a slice of your soul had used your own quirk against you. With each step you find yourself slipping, and soon you are standing by the front door without any piece of yourself left.

That's when the thoughts begin to run. How should I get in? You consider breaking the window, but someone else in the complex might notice. You are about to run out of ideas when a man comes walking by. His eyes lock on you, and a frown runs over his face. "What are you doing out this late?"

Your eyes shoot to the keys wrapped to one of his belt buckles. He probably works here.

"I..you know..." You gulp. "I sorta got locked out of my room." You point to Uraraka's door with a worried look on your face.

The man stares blankly for a while, then sighs. "Alright, kid." He unlatches the chain of keys from his belt and begins to shift through the keys. You watch him beginning to shift between the keys, searching for the one that matches with the same number on the door, 402. His hands lock around key 321 before glancing over at you with a strange look in his eye.

"May I ask what your family name is?"

"Excuse me?"

"This is the Uraraka household."

"I know." You give him a hard stare. "I am Uraraka Ochako."

He steps back, then reaches for his phone. "Security we have a—"

Your hands immediately shoot to the air, and his phone tumbles to the ground, the screen cracking. "Control!" You make his fingers shift through the keys up to key 402, place it in the key lock, and then run himself down the road. He slams into an apartment building two blocks away.

You let out a sigh, relaxing your tense muscles. "Release."

The door stands in front of you now, slightly cracked open with the correct key in the lock. You reach into your pocket and take a deep breath.

You step inside.

It's dark. All the lights are off. But as you lighten your footsteps you can hear people breathing. Luckily, you know exactly where everything is. Uraraka's room is only a few steps ahead, the nearest door to the right.

You continue on.

Suddenly a hand snatches to your hair. You get pulled back, and have to force yourself not to scream. As you scramble to free yourself, the knife slips from your pocket and hits the floor with a slam. You're eyes widen, but only for a moment. You jolt around to see who the culprit is.

"What do you think you're doing?" the dark figure whispers. You can't see the face in the darkness, but you are sure that the voice is familiar.

The figure grabs you by the wrist and yanks you out of Uraraka's house. You are tugged around the corner before being let go of. This time, when you turn around, you can see the face clearly.


"Are you nuts?" He rubs his face, but when he drops his arms, his usual smile is plastered on his face. "After all you've done to help me, you'd just put that down the drain?"

"This plan isn't going to work."

"Oh yet it is, my sweet." He leans against the wall, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "You see, yesterday I think I made some progress with Uraraka. She thanked me. After all...it was me who took her to the nurse. Not Midoriya." He paused, anger pulsing through his veins. "And you were about to end my chance by killing her off? Who do you think you are? I still haven't even delivered my end of the deal! I promise. If we work together on this, there won't need to be any murder involved."

You cross your arms. "Really?"

"Well, not the murder of our precious two."

"Wait, don't tell me you—"

The ground ripples beneath your feet, and the apartment buildings begin to shake violently. Killian pulls you into a tight and leans against the wall, keeping you safe from any impact.

"What are you—"

You shut your eyes, hearing explosions and the crashing of buildings. The entire world seems to be shaking under your feet. It goes on for what feels to be an eternity. Then Killian pushes you away from him, wrapping a loose arm around your shoulder.

"Look, sweetheart." He points to the miles of rubble in front of you. "Somewhere out there, Midoriya is waiting to be saved." He winks, and you find yourself smiling.

You lean in and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Your quirk really is amazing."

His face goes red, and he steps back into the wall, flustered. You smile before shooting into the distance. I'll find him, you think. And I'll save him.

QUIRKFULL (Midoriya Izuku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now