Part One

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"I can't believe he went there, Bean. It's right around the corner!" You giggle with glee as you watch your favorite YouTube vlogger on you smart TV. "He was so close to us, Bean!" You scoop the tiny, white Maltese into your arms, snuggling your face into Bean's fluffy fur.

You lower the dog to the floor and flop back on the couch, only to find your fur baby in your lap once more. "Ah, Bean... I love his vlogs so much. You know he's the reason I found that great indie dog bakery downtown, right? You know those peanut butter balls you love so much?"

You scratch Bean underneath his chin, giggling softly as his eyes closed and he laid perfectly still in your lap.

"To think he was so close makes me downright giddy." You click the TV off and lean over, picking up your laptop from the coffee table. YouTube was currently open on the screen and you open up the comment menu.

"This restaurant is right around the corner from me! You were close to my apartment! Funny thing is, I've never tried that place. It's kind of a couple place, so I wasn't sure if a single person should go there. You've inspired me to try it though! Keep up the great work! I love your videos!"

You smile and close the laptop, dropping it onto the empty couch cushion beside you.

"I think I know what I'm having for dinner."

* * *

Jungkook raised his arms up over his head and leaned backwards in his chair, which creaked loudly.  He grumbled and sat back up, leaning on his desk while continuing to scroll though the first batch of comments. 

He would usually read the first hundred or so before giving up. It wasn't unusual for him to get almost a thousand comments on his videos.  He had been vlogging for a year or so now; his channel already up to 300,000 subscribers. Vlogging was just a way to practice his video making and editing skills. He enjoyed exploring his adopted city, but his main goal was his craft.

Traipsing through the backstreets of Seoul had become his favorite pastime. He had found countless, tiny, hole-in-the-wall Mom and Pop restaurants that just needed people to spread the word about them. Every restaurant he had vlogged about had praised him for their spikes in clientele, to which he replied that he simply enjoyed the fact he was helping someone.

Restaurants weren't the only places in his vlogging que, however.  Museums, libraries, parks, book shops, coffee shops, art exhibitions, photo displays, all had several vlogs each. Fans of his channel often visited the sites to take photos, tagging him and expressing their thanks for bringing small, unknown places to their attention.

Yes, Jungkook was a vlogging king.

And he had done so, all without ever showing his face.

It wasn't that subscribers hadn't asked, because they had, in droves.

It's just that Jungkook was not out to make himself the center of his videos. He wanted the places he vlogged about to have their moment to shine and shine they did.

Each place had its own quirks, character, or quaintness. Jungkook identified each of these and brought them to the forefront, pointing out each locale's even smallest of charms to his viewing audience.

Jungkook smiled as he watched views rack up on the video he had just posted. Today's video had been a visit to a small Italian restaurant, operated by a couple that consisted of an Italian husband and a Korean wife.  It was authentic, delicious, and worthy of way more business then they actually got.

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