Part Two

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Jungkook stops the vehicle in front of your place, putting the car into park. The ignition remains engaged however, and you are thankful he wasn't trying to make this weirder by offering to walk you to the door or something.

"Thank you for dinner," you smile, unbuckling your seatbelt.

"It's the least I could do. Thanks for letting me 'exploit' your dog," he grins, leaning both of his arms on the steering wheel.

His smile did funny things to your heart. You kept yourself under control, however, because you just met the guy. No sense in going all ga-ga over someone you didn't even really know.

You exit onto the curb and shut the door, waving once more before turning and walking up to your door. Jungkook waits till your in your apartment before driving away. You smile at his effort to make sure you got home alright.

Bean doesn't greet you at the door and you're curious as to where he is. "Bean?" you call out several times as you walk though the apartment. A distinct odor hits your nose and you groan.

"Bean!" you grumble loudly. Your gruff demeanor quickly dissolves when the little guy comes slinking out from under your bed, ears against his head and refusing to meet your eyes.  He sits down in the middle of the floor, keeping his head low.

"Aw, baby, it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry I was gone for so long." You pull the guilt-wrecked dog up and snuggle him against your neck.

After cleaning up the mess, you figure Bean no longer needs his nightly walk.  You felt guilty about being happy for that.  You shower, then snuggle into your bed, propping yourself up against the headboard.


You look down to see a message came in from Jungkook. You smile shyly, pulling in your bottom lip as you read the message.

"I posted the park video a few moments ago. I also posted a private link with just the footage of Bean that's just for you. I didn't use it all, but since he's yours you might enjoy watching the 'deleted scenes'. (^^)"

He had included a link and you touch it, excited to see what footage got cut out. You watch as Bean runs off through the grass, little tail wagging defiantly. You watch as the camera is shoved into your hands and you didn't realize you had turned it to face where Jungkook was running to catch Bean. You blush as you watch Jungkook walking towards you, Bean tucked securely under his arm like a football.

His eyes were bright and his face was covered in a boyish smile as he looked down at Bean. The footage got a bit fuzzy as Jungkook had gotten right up to the camera and then took it back. There was then footage of you putting Bean's leash back on, then more footage of Bean just wandering around the grass while leased.

You would never admit that you backed up the video several times just to watch Jungkook walk towards you with Bean. 

Your little dog gets curious and jumps up on your bed, nudging is way under your arm. Bean stares at the screen, cocking his head to the side, his ears perking up. His head adjusts a few times as you keep backing up the video.  Suddenly he stands up and noses the screen of your laptop, whining a bit.

"You like him, huh? He was really nice, wasn't he. Who knows, maybe we'll meet again, Bean. Alright, enough of this shameful drooling I'm doing," you laugh. You shoo Bean to his own bed and leave a quick comment of thanks on the video, finally snuggling down into your blankets for the night.

* * *

Jungkook was about to turn off his computer when he saw your comment come through.

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