Part 5

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Walking up to the door of the restaurant, your hands start to feel clammy. This is the most extra thing Jungkook has ever done and even though you're terribly excited, you are also very nervous.

You have been treated like a princess all afternoon and it's hard not to try and analyze all of Jungkook's actions. You've only dated for six months, and it's been magical. Spending time with him is fun and easy. He is such a stable guy.

Your guy?

Your hands fly to your cheeks as they quickly heat; you can only imagine the twenty shades of red they must be.

Calling him "your guy" seems presumptuous, since he's never really asked you to be his girlfriend. Should you assume it? Does he assume it? Everything between the two of you had been so clear, except this one thing.

Pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth, you slowly open the door.

* * *

"Why don't you just ask her out? Pick her up and whatever.  Why all this monkey business?" Taehyung followed Jungkook around the city, watching him think of detail after detail and make purchase after purchase.

Each of the businesses he had done reviews for had been more than happy to thank him for his help to their business in a way that was this special. Most of the female employees he talked to gushed over how romantic the whole thing was and how they wished their boyfriends were this sweet.

"We get it, you're the best boyfriend ever." Taehyung rolled his eyes as the two men finally walked into a coffee shop.  Taehyung flung himself down in a chair and looked at Jungkook who was once more ignoring the vibrating phone on his hip.

"You are still refusing to answer her calls?"

"Can't talk to her or I'll ruin the surprise," sighed Jungkook, his fingers fiddling with a napkin on the table.

Taehyung smiled at his friend who was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. "So, what's the occasion? You've drug me all over the city to plan an elaborate date for your girlfriend-"

"That's just it," interrupted Jungkook. "I have never asked her to be my girlfriend." He hung his head shyly, his face turning beet red.

"What...? You haven't?!" Taehyung leaned back in his chair, his jaw hanging slack.

"It kind of slipped my mind? And today is our six month anniversary and I feel like it's high time I asked her. I'm sure she will say yes." Jungkook spoke confidently but his eyes were filled with doubt. What if she had gotten tired of waiting and was just looking for a reason to leave him? What if she felt he was thoughtless?

"I see your mind working.  Stop it." Taehyung leaned forward on the table. "I've got your back. And personally, from my interactions with her, she's smitten for you, Kookie." Taehyung grinned, his expression playful. "Have faith in her."

"I know," sighed Jungkook, his hands pushing through his hair. "I love her, hyung," he whispered to Taehyung, his eyes locking with his friend's. "I know it's only been six months, but I can't help the way I feel."

Taehyung smiled and sighed. "Then that's that! You're going to be fine, Kookie. Now, do you need to run home and get changed? By my calculations she should be at the dress shop by now." Taehyung glanced at his watch and back up at Jungkook.

"Yeah, yeah I need to go. Thank you, hyung for helping me. Thanks for taking Bean." Jungkook smiled broadly and stood to his feet.

"Hey, I love dogs. Any chance I get to play with one is a welcome opportunity. And hey, we don't want the little guy being a huge blocker do we?" Taehyung smirked wickedly, earning himself a whack to the arm from his friend.

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