Part 4

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Taehyung kicks his feet up onto the coffee table in Jungkook's apartment. He watches with tired amusement as Jungkook rushes, stuffing things into his camera bag. "Going on another date?" he questions.

Jungkook shakes his head. "Not tonight, as a matter of fact."

He frowns and shoves something else into his bag.

"Shocker. You guys have done nothing but go out on dates for the past few months," laughs Taehyung. "I thought you were connected at the hip."

"As appealing as that sounds, we both have our lives, hyung. Why are you here again, and so early in the day?" Jungkook looks at his friend with feigned confusion.

"I'm hurt," whines Taehyung. "You forgot it was my birthday?"

"It's not your birthday," grouses Jungkook.

Taehyung smirks and sinks into the couch some more. "I just wanted to see if you were available to hang out today."

"Just us?"

"Sure. Unless you want me to invite someone else?" Taehyung raises an eyebrow as Jungkook looks away and ponders something for a moment.

"No. If it's just us, that's perfect." Jungkook zips up his backpack and slides his arms into it, a victorious smile on his face.

"Aw, Jungkook-ah, I never knew you cared so much." Taehyung winks and pushes himself up off the couch.

"Oh brother," laughs Jungkook. "Let's go. I need to go several places to go and I could use your help."

* * *

You curl up on your couch with your lap top. Jungkook had texted earlier saying he had some things to do tonight and couldn't come over.  You were a bit sad by it, because today was special after all.  It was even a weekend and you have nothing else to do.

You sigh as you ruffle Bean's fur. He and Jungkook had finally come to an understanding and Bean now allowed him to sit next to you on the couch. Anything else was strictly prohibited.

You smile as you see a video message come up on your phone beside you. It's from Jungkook. You couldn't say he was your boyfriend, because he had never asked, but you are happy with how things currently stand. Your and his relationship was a slow but steady one. Your relationship with him had really taken off as of late, and though it hadn't once gotten physical, outside of holding hands, you were finding yourself falling harder and harder for Jungkook more each day.

The video begins to play and you see the park where you both met.

"Hey! So, I know I couldn't come over tonight, but I had good reasons!  I promise!"

You laugh as Jungkook's voice comes from behind the camera. Bean's ears perk at the familiar sound.

"I know you think I probably forgot what today was, but babe, I didn't. How could I forget the day we met six months ago? It changed my life forever. Anyway, I want you to come down to the park. I have a surprise for you.  Remember the table we sat at that first date?  Go there. Oh, and bring Bean!"

The video ends and you feel a surge of excitement, then jumping to your feet. You apologize to Bean who is tossed to the floor. "Sorry, baby! But we have to go!"

You hurry to get ready, doing minimal makeup and putting on something cute, but comfy.  Spring was in the air, but the breezes were still cool. Throwing on a light gray cardigan over your pink T-shirt, you snap on Bean's leash and the two of you head out of your apartment.

Once you arrive at the park, you look around anxiously to see where Jungkook is.  The table in question is in sight but there's only a small elderly woman there. She smiles as you hesitantly walk up.

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