Author Note!

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Hello lovely readers!

I just wanted to give you an update since I'm not sure anyone sees what I put on my wall.

My surgery went great!

Today, I had a follow-up with my doctor and he said it all looks good.

But I still have some pain in my pinky.

But! That could be surgical pain.

So I'll give it time.

They said I could go back to normal activity, just no heavy lifting, pulling, or pushing.

The nurse even said I could type! 😆

But she doesn't know what a monster I am when I write.

So, I may do some writing, but I will be taking it slow for another week.

I wish I could write for all the books right now.

I know you guys are patient, and I will reward that, I promise.

Now, some important things.

Thank you for 402 followers!  I'm so amazed.


The Perfect Partner finally garnered 100k reads! 😭

The Perfect Partner finally garnered 100k reads! 😭

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(Also, ignore that draft count...I sometimes create "books" to keep notes. 😅)

It only took 2.5 years but it finally made it!

Thanks for everything, you guys.

You mean the world to me.

I mean it!

Without you, my readers, I wouldn't still be writing.

You give me the strength to keep going with my passion.

You are all amazing.

Thanks for taking a few moments to read this! 
I'll post it in all my current books so no one misses out.

See you soon!


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