Part Three

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Jungkook rushes through a quick clean-up and heads back down to the convenience store. He takes a few deep breaths before entering the store, trying to calm his lungs and his nerves.

He looks though the large plate window and notices you sitting at the counter, looking down at your phone. The store was empty and he was thankful for that.

He pushes open the door and walks in, hearing the jingling of a bell that lets employees know a customer has entered.  He grows more nervous when you look up at him, your eyes wide.

"Jungkook," you say, your voice filled with surprise.  "Why are you back?"

Jungkook watches your lips slowly smile and he feels a bit more relaxed. "I came to pay for that water I stole," he chuckles, fishing into his back pocket for his wallet.

"I told you that wasn't necessary," you say, a small laugh coming from you as well.

"A man always pays his bills." He places a few bills on the counter and waits for his change. His fingers drum nervously against the gray surface and his eyes struggling to not rest on you too long.

You hand him his change and smile. "All set," you say. You're unsure why he looks so nervous, but regardless, you're actually really pleased to see him again.

"So..." he says softly, his head lowered but his eyes looking up at you.

The door bell jingles again and some teenagers walk into the store, laughing and rushing to the snack shelf.

Jungkook blushes and you look at him, waiting for him to keep speaking, but he merely sighs and just nods his head. With a short wave and a promise to message you later, he ducks out of the store.

You stare after him, very confused, your thoughts wandering until a smack of plastic on the counter brings you back to reality. "Ah, will that be all?"

* * *

Jungkook berates himself the entire way back to his apartment. Something about you brought out the worst and most stupid behavior. He had trouble with his words, he did dumb things, all in front of you.

He shoves his hands into his pockets and strides down the street, pushing the embarrassing incident from his mind. What he can't push away, however, is how lovely you looked, even in an unflattering, orange, uniform vest.

He couldn't deny that he found you interesting. He was increasingly curious. He smiles as he opens his phone and zips a message to you. This would be perfect.

* * *

The store was quiet once again and for that, you were thankful. Jungkook's reappearance had really thrown you off. Slumping down on the stool, you sigh and then you feel your pocket vibrate. Pulling out your phone, you see a short message from Jungkook and a smile spreads across your face.

This guy was something else. You still found it hard to believe that you had met your favorite YouTuber, but the fact he used Bean in a video made your heart soar to the moon. You were a bit star struck to say the least.

"Don't eat dinner. Could we meet at that park? I'll bring the food and we can just hang out. Would that be okay? Feel free to say no, of course."

Staring at the message, you feel your cheeks heating up. Was he serious about this whole date thing? He had not actually called it a date, but to be real, that's what this was.

Your fingers tingle as they hover over the keyboard on your phone. You're hesitant to answer right away, so you wait a respectable...thirty seconds before replying.

Unfiltered {Jungkook x Reader }Where stories live. Discover now