Chapter 1: The Park

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Jess's POV

There are a couple things you should know about me. I am going to be senior in high school. I have 4 siblings, three brothers and one sister. My eldest sibling Dan, short for Daniel, is 20. Next, comes Abbi, short for Abigail, who is 19. I am third at the age of 17. Luke, my twin, is a minute younger than me and finally Jake is 15. Daniel and Abbi both go to Oxford where my parents went,  and where Luke, Jake, and I are going to go. I was born and raised in London, England. Jake, Luke, and I all go to Ferguson private school. I can't wait to graduate and leave Ferguson because of I have a lot of terrible memories there. I lost my best friend at this school and then became really close friends with Liv, short for Olivia, and her friends. Sometime in the future I will tell you that best friend story.

It was a nice day outside and I was bored as I always was on a Sunday morning. I had no idea what was going to happen today and did not think I would be ready if anything exciting happened today. I had a party to go to tonight and my mom would not be happy if I stayed inside all day but I thought I had more stuff to do then listen to her right? Apparently my best friend Liv, short for Olivia, didn't think so. My phone goes off and I grab it. Yep it's a text from Liv. 

Liv- Wake up and get some clothes on. You are definitely not going to sit around your house all day. Hurry up because I am already a block from your house.

Ugh she had to. Well we were all in for a surprise later. A huge one in fact. I quickly hopped out of bed, put on my green shorts, and my love tee. I stuffed a towel, my bikini, my sunglasses and sunscreen into a bag because Liv and I always go to the pool on Sundays and run downstairs.

"Don't run Jess" my brother Daniel calls from the Kitchen.

"Dan shut the fuck up" I called.

"Why were you running?" Abbi asked.

"Liv is picking me up and we're going out" I told her as I walked into the kitchen.

"Well you could have told me that" Dan said.

"Love you 2 dan" I mumbled.

I grabbed breakfast and went outside to wait for Liv.

"JESS" Liv screams.

"Liv, calm down. Where we going?" I asked.

"Wherever" Liv said. "Hurry up and get in"

I sighed. "That's the second time today you have told me to hurry up" I groaned as I got in.

"Sorry" Liv replied as she pulled out of my driveway. "Did you eat?"

"Yes" I lied.

"Oh stop you didn't" Olivia said jokingly

"So what if I didn't?" I asked.

"It's a Sunday morning and you never eat " Liv said knowing I knew.

Tradition. Our tradition since 4th grade. After what happened with Amy. Liv does a ok parking job because we are 17 and just got our licenses a year ago.

"I am still better at parking" I told her.

"You have Dan, Abbi, and your parents teaching you. I just have Nate." Liv said.

Nate is 18 and is the best. He's one of my best friends.

"Let's go inside and catch up with Nate and Courtney" Liv says.

We walk in and go to our given table where Nate and Courtney are sitting.

"Hey sis. Hey Jess" Nate said.

"Hey Nate" I reply. Olivia doesn't say anything like usual.

"Liv, your parking job is better than last time" Nate told her jokingly.

"Thanks a lot Nate" Liv snapped.

"Liv, calm down. Nate's trying to be nice" Courtney says.

Liv stops talking just enough to eat OUR breakfast of sausage, eggs, fruit, and Dr. pepper.

"Bye Nate" Courtney says.

"Bye Nate" Olivia says.

"Bye Nate" I say.

"Bye girls" Nate says.

Courtney, Liv, and I decide to go to the park after we drop Liv's car off at my house which is three blocks away. Should I mention it's not even a real park? The park is called The Londoner's. My other two friends Marissa and Sierra catch up with us. We all talk about boys, our crushes, the freshmen, the feelings of us being seniors finally, and the party. We are all going to meet up at Marissa's to get ready and our dates will pick us up from there. Liv is going with her boyfriend Kyle, Marissa is going with her boyfriend James, Sierra is going with Luke, I am going with Nate, and Courtney is going with Luke's best friend Toby. Marissa and Sierra are the first to leave because they have to go get their sister Emily. Courtney leaves next because she has the car and her twin, James, is very impatient. When Liv and I are walking back to my house, two guys I don't know walk in front of me. Not a word is spoken from me or Liv as we walk back to my place.

Niall's POV

It was a very lovely Sunday morning. I had nothing to do before the party tonight. Harry or any of the other guys apparently didn't want me to stay in my home all day.

*text convo*

H: Hey Niall. The boys are coming over. You coming?

N: Will there be food?

H: Why wouldn't there be food?

N: I'm coming

H: Louis is on his way to pick you up

N: see you soon

H: yep

Suddenly I hear rude playing and have no idea where it is coming from then realize that it was my phone. It's Liam.

"Niall, I got food so hurry your butt downstairs and out the door"

"Liam, I'm coming"

A long pause...then "twenty seconds starting now...20,19,18"

I run downstairs and outside. I climb into Liam's car with five seconds left.

"I can't wait for the party tonight.." Liam said.

"Me neither. Turn left up here" I reply.

He turns and parks.

We all had a great time playing board games and talking about the party.

Then Liam left and then Zayn, Louis, and I decided to go our separate ways. Louis went to go see El, and Zayn and I went to The Londoner's. As we were walking to our favorite spot we crossed the path of these two pretty girls. The shorter one looked like she wanted to say something but she shut her mouth and walked away with her friend. I should ask them to wait and see if they are going to the party tonight but I don't and I keep walking. Zayn turns around and rolls his eyes as he waited for me to catch up because I stopped to ponder those thoughts. Zayn and I walk through the park and end up at Danny's. Danny's is this really good diner that has my favorite foods like Nando's. We eat and then head back to Zayn's place just to chat before the party later that night.  

"Niall, do you remember the tall girl from the park?" Zayn asked me.

"Yes why?" I asked.

"Do you know who she is?" Zayn asked.

"No. Should I?" I asked.

"Yes very much so" Zayn said.

"Did she go to Ferguson?" I asked.

"She still does" Zayn said.

"How much younger?" I asked.

"A year" Zayn said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Jessie Humphrey" Zayn said. "I call her Jess since I know her well"

"I don't know her" I said. "

"She is now, in the opinion of Ferguson high students who aren't Jake and Luke or freshmen, the hottest senior and then her friends follow in her footsteps" Zayn said.

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