Missing each other

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Zero was off on another Hunter mission and normally Kaname would be okay with him not being around but this trip took a week. Kaname doesn't like showing his feelings and Zero is the same always stoic until they are alone together. Kaname knew that once the council found out about their relationship then it would put a strain on there lives together. The vampires would put him from Zero because he's a hunter and the hunters were more open minded but wouldn't be able to go against the vampires council.

Kaname p.o.v

Ugh... so this what exhaustion truly feels like when your immortal but I guess being the vampire king because of my blood line isn't so bad. When I finally get the chance I will have people being more open minded to my bond with Zero . I love him I know that sounds strange but he's my best friend and we have been through a lot. We are both strong men but the way society is for both the vampires and hunters association it's going to be difficult times ahead.

He's been gone almost a week and I normally would assume he was okay but I do worry from time to time. Zero I hope you okay and you make it back okay as you always do.

Zero p.o.v

This level E is a lot stronger then the ones I normally face but I can't give up. It's my job not only as a hunter but this my chance to show what I can do I am not weak. Well... now that over but I feel like I'm forgetting something oh right I have been gone from the academy for a week. I wonder how Kaname is fairing with his whole being the  next vampire king and if he misses me like I do him. It took myself a whole week to track this vampire down he was a lot  smarter  then most rogue vampire I have met. I should probably head back to the academy after I report in to the association.

Kaname is always so kind to everyone and as much as we have been together the past four years I can't help but feel our bond was fate. Kaname I always knew you were special even if you didn't see it yourself but to me I can't get you out of my head..your my hero.

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