First bite / memories

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Kaname and Zero were always close so when Zero's body couldn't hold back his vampiric instincts it made there relationship a little awkward . They were both knew something was about to happen between them that would change there relationship. Kaname felt Vampiric instincts increase year after year and Zero's emotions snapped one day when they had an argument about something stupid. Zero's eyes flickered red and he tackled Kaname to the ground and bit into him while holding his gun to him making him stay down. Even though Kaname was human at the time he first was bitten by Zero it didn't matter because he knew this would happen.

Kaname knew Zero's Hunter side was holding back his thirst for blood and he glad Zero bit him instead of some poor human killing them. When Zero finally snapped out of it  he quickly got up then avoided Kaname for a few days feeling ashamed of himself but that didn't stop Kaname from making him face him. Kaname always made Zero face his problems instead of running away because knew somewhere into the future they both felt the same on inside but was it love or lust . The first bite was unexpected and out of holding back too much emotions but Kaname held himself back from confessing his feelings because he wanted Zero to show his emotions first.

Kaname waited almost a year but things have changed and Zero also changed they were still best friends but they were also secret lovers now. Zero finally admitted he loved Kaname but how long would that last? Would they be ripped apart ? Could a hunter and Vampire King possibly be together forever? These questions always running through Kaname's head and he was afraid to ask thinking it would jinx his chances of trying.

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