lovers versus Council (part 1)

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Someone saw Zero and Kaname together which they told the council about them being together. Kaname didn't know about it for the moment but Zero was furious not because he had to deal with the stupid old vampire but because they were trying ruin Kaname's good name. Zero walked out the woods and went on the hunt for where they were planning to come after both of them .

Zero knew their love was forbidden but he still loved Kaname and hated how people didn't understand their deep bond. Kaname's sister Yuki even supported their relationship and that was saying a lot since she always watched over both of them trying keep the council from visiting the academy before.

Zero finally came upon a group of vampire near the woods and was ready set with his gun as a hunter if they attacked he could get away with killing a few. Kaname had just heard about the news and when walking out the woods to find Zero when he heard the gun shots from Zero's bloody Rose. When Kaname came stepping forth all the vampires stilled knowing getting him anger would result in very bad consequences but Kaname as the Vampire king had the right to kill other vampires if he wanted to.

" Zero.. what's going on"

" Oh Hey Kaname.. they found out about us"

" So they did..and they chose to attack in Academy grounds"

" Yes... this suppose to be neutral grounds not a battlefield"

" Calm down Kaname maybe we can come to an understanding"

They vampires get up from bowing before Kaname but then suddenly a few of them start to attack and then they stood back to back Kaname used the minimal of his power as Zero used his gun with hand to hand. They were against twenty lower level vampires and it was just ridiculous considering they just attacked with no valid reason.

" Zero... watch out"

" Huh... what are you ....ughhhhhh"

Zero get slammed into a tree hitting his head a little blood fall from his forehead and he turned to Kaname who snaps seeing Zero get hurt. Zero couldn't move for a moment and he could only watch as His best friend eyes started to glow bright red.

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