Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Allison's POV

I don't know how long I have been asleep for but it's starting to get frustrating. I'm stuck, alone in the dark with my thoughts and my thoughts done stop. It's constant thinking and it's incredibly annoying. It's never quiet and who knew I had this much to think about.

Firstly, this whole Harry situation. He is apparently dating Caroline flack and I tried to stay calm and not be jealous but I just couldn't help it. Harry and I cuddled and got really close that night and it felt so right and felt like it was meant to be. And then she just comes into the picture and ruins it. If she hadn't rocked up I wouldn't be like this because we wouldn't have to have snuck out to have breakfast on the boat. We could have had breakfast in bed. That would have been perfect, just me and him snuggling up in bed for breakki.

Also, what if I don't wake up. What if I never get to see my family and friends again? I have barely lived my life and it's already coming to an end? I have no idea what's going on around me and it's actually frightening. What if I wake up a year later or something? Harry definitely won't wait that long. What if he doesn't even wait and when I wake up he's gone. Even worse, what if I wake up and no one is there! If I try to scream nothing comes out. I'm frozen in this position and it sucks.

"It's been a week and I need you to wake up babe, please. I'm here and I'm staying here. I'll be here when you wake up. I keep thinking about what would have happened if we just didn't get on the boat or if Caroline didn't just show up. Gosh if she didn't show up you wouldn't be here and I would just be able to spend as much time as possible with you. I actually have to go back to England tomorrow…but I’m not leaving. I can't leave you and I won't leave you. I told them something comes up and I can't leave. I'm here."

AHHH open my eyes god dammit. Just let me wake up! I just want to cry but I can't. I'm all bottled up and I have so many emotions inside me. A weeks’ worth. I need to wake up.

Harry's POV

I let a tear slide down my face. Make that a few actually. I had my hand in hers and I hadn't left her side for I don't know how long. She has to wake up, she just has to. I rest my head on her stomach and I feel the gentle rise and fall of her stomach.

A nurse walked in and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Listen Harry, I know you want to be here but you need to eat and drink water to stay healthy yourself. You need to do that for her."

"Excuse me, what if she wakes up? I won't be here if I leave. I promised I would be here when she wakes up and I keep my promises. So I'm not going to go get food or water or I'll miss it thank you very much." I spat out and put my head into the bed.

She sighed and left the room.

"Bro, you should really listen the nurse. She's just trying to help. But I brought you some Nandos and I normally don't share but in this case I managed to save it to bring it to you."  I smile curls up onto the little Irish boys’ mouth.

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