Chapter 3

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A/N: okay i know its friday but i got such a great response so i decided to update early :) by the way it 11:50 pm here and i finally finished it! i have work in the morning so this should be fun haha. i have so much fun writing this story and its a bonus that you guys like it. anyways im going to stop rambling on and just say my twitter is @U_A_N_for_1D and i will write on there when im updating and ill let you know everything on there :) Lots of love <3

Chapter 3

***Allison's POV***

I wake up to the sound of waves crashing against the shore. I peel my eyes open and pull myself up onto my elbows. I sit up straight stretching my arms out and letting a little yawn escape from my lips. A smile forms on my face remembering what happened yesterday. I turn my head to look at the clock to find it 8am. I quickly stick my hair up into a messy bun and slip my red rip curl swimmers on. I take a look in the mirror and decide to put the minimal amount of make up on. As I'm about to grab my thongs (A/N Aussie slang for flip flops if you didn't know) I hear 5 knocks at the door. I shuffle over to the door and peek through the peep hole. Hello Mr Harry styles. Wow he is good looking. I open the door letting him in.

"So are you ready for today?" he said full of excitement.

Am I supposed to be ready for something?

"What's the plan for today?"

"Well the boys have gone jet skiing and I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk with me, I have something to show you."

I could tell by the way he said that, he was definitely up to something.

"Sure I would love to." I said smiling at him. His eyes were sparkling green and they were so pretty. I could take my eyes off of his and we just stood there stupidly smiling at each other.

"So are you ready to go?" Harry broke the silence chuckling.

He grabbed my hand and I quickly snatched the key off the table next to the door and shut the door behind us.

We had been walking for 10 minutes now and I still had no idea where we were going. We were walking through this lush green golf course that seemed weirdly deserted and there were huge palm trees all in rows, it looked amazing. All of a sudden we come to this part of the golf course where you could see the waves lapping up on the golf course and this section of grass has a massive blanket on the floor with a picnic basket on the top. There were plates, cutlery an cups lined up next to each other. Harry had sat down and I was just staring in awe of how beautiful this picnic was.

"Are you going to join me?" Harry gestures his hand for me to sit down next to him.

I casually sit myself down next to him and he pulls open the picnic basket and smiles. Tacos.

"Yum, I love tacos." I grin at him.

"Me too!" he says pulling them out of the basket and onto our plates.

This was so cute. We had eaten our tacos, which tasted amazing, and he pulled out 2 vanilla ice creams. We got into those while chatting about anything and everything.

"Cats or dogs?" Harry questions seriously.

"I love dogs but I think I'm more of a cat person." I reply truthfully, I actually had 2 cats back home, missy and dot. I know dot is an odd name for a cat but out of all her black coat she had one white dot, it's very cute.

"Me too!" he seemed very happy with himself.

"Have you got your swimmers on?"

"Yeah I do." I reply hesitantly.

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