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I think we're all different

When the clock strikes 12

The limbo between

The spilled ink of night

And the promise of a new day

Its the twilight zone

For only an hour

It feels neither late nor early

A limbo

That can never be knocked down

But hangs so precariously on the notches of our own grasps of time

Our brains

Such insignificant things

They say the average human uses only 10% of their brain capacity

But I think at midnight

We use 11%

Not in intellectual muscle but in creative perception

My eyes are no longer windows

But kaleidoscopes

Everything as broken and distorted

As the surface of the ocean

The tide being what resides in my soul that night

Our brains

See what they wish to see

They perceive what my windows make way for

And we speak of them as separate entities,

As if they made the decisions themselves

As if we are not our brains

We are

Our brains

We are

Our windows

We are the skys we see and the nights we don't

We are the blankets that heat us and the people under them that leave us like our toes sticking out, so cold

We are the land and the trees

Their branches reaching the place we dream of in books and crosses

We are the highways and skyscrapers

The place we dream of in cornfields and boredom

Tearing down our clouds and rivers

Mother nature's long nails raking everything down until there is nothing

But midnight.

We are our hearts

The thing we blame our pain and joy and suffering and love on

When all it does is pump the sweet nectar that keeps us alive

Our brains are our hearts.

We are midnight.

Thoughts From An X - Part DeuxWhere stories live. Discover now